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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. Maybe not Wake and baked but perhapes Wake and Fried?
  2. Compition Brings out the best in show But the worst in people
  3. haha Normally, I think takign picturs and filming shows through your phone looks silly and I think it does take a bit away fomr the intesity of the shows atmosphere but I have been known to from time to time, open up the phone and and call buddies from bnck home so they can hear a song of two
  4. AHAHAH That ol dog is still painting and takign names haaha I remember when I would come home from buzz ons and he would be one and I was half passed out of the couch, thinking You know what Paint sounds easy I should try it MMMM KAY!
  5. HAAHHA Thast AWesome! I would normally be a little ticked off abotu being late with slow traffic but that would make me laugh ! Probally reduced the road rage!
  6. Today! Whoo, just finnishing packing the back pack and 8 beers for breakfast so far!
  7. Ol'Hickster


    AHAH yea I love Natty Ice cause its a great bang for its buck!
  8. Pumped! Everything feel in to place today! Yesterday it looked like I had 30% chance of making it and it all changed! Soo pumped Great music and goin to be a Buzz on!
  9. Ol'Hickster


    Nothing like a nice cold Natty Ice on the beach somewheres in maine! or also a Nice cold Rollin Rock I had a bunch of these ultra smooth beers last summer when I was down in Maine
  10. Naw there pretty open minded people to all things, They are solid jamband fans
  11. Ill probally be at the CFTM myself but I have some friends coming to Ottawa from New Brunswick for the weekend and was wondering of there was any good shows to pass on to them?
  12. Sounds like a good equation rossolee
  13. I have a recipe pretty much identical to that but with Dandiloins
  14. Nope, that turns Gr8ful's crank aswell ,
  15. Atleast he cleans up after himself hahaha
  16. Yea that does sounds pretty interesting! Totally keep us aware of your findings!
  17. Wow, did that ever go south real quick, haha Guess I wont start a Marmite or Vegimite thread then, could go south even quicker!
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