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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. I think that its just where ther majority of users are from, I mean I used Jamhub all the time when I was back home becuase most of the hubbers where from the coast and it was a good tool to find out whats goin on and such relitive stuff the the area, But when I moved here to Toronto, I found Jambands seemed to be alot more relevent to find out whts goin on in the Ontario side of things. Too bad about Jamhub being crushed with virus's That why I stopped using it, But nothing is wrong with Jambands at all, It right on in my books, I perfer it to Jamhub (pre-virus Jamhub)
  2. Deffinatly opened up this thread to see some boobies, but now I am let down man this afternoon just seems to be full of dissipointing things
  3. HAHAHAHA Pauls Wharf hahahah That where im from and I know what you mean, and I bet you 100 bucks 60% of the crowd was under age, I remember I used to be in there when I was 16 and up
  4. Wow, that pretty neat-o but I was puroosing around on youtube and found a link to a website that sells all sorts of them Check this guy out hes good And heres the site for the Ocarina All sorts of Ocarinas and pretty cheap too
  5. Sounds like a par-tay!
  6. Me too! I love weird instruments and consider myself a collector of them' date=' only cheap ones though. I've got: - ocarina - didgeridoo - casio rapman keyboard - mbira (thumb piano from zimbabwe) - slide whistle - a korean wood flute (not sure of the name) - a kids sized squeeze box - a small gong - recorder - melodian - acoustic guitar (not so weird) And I can barely play any of em! [/quote'] You have a ocarina KevO, Where did you get it from? Ive always been a big Zelda Fan, and also a fan of trying out instruments ( not being good at them by the way) And I would love to try or buy a ocarina!
  7. Wow Baj it looks sooo Beautiful! and looks like you guys are having a blast out there!
  8. Ol'Hickster


    Deffinatly a Wicked website!!
  9. Ol'Hickster


    I bought a jar of it last night when I was at the store and ive been binging on it this morning ! I love the stuff its soooooo adicting!
  10. Heres too all you Skanks out there that are mothers! We love yea all, Love yea mom! Have a Happy mothers day everyone!
  11. Does anyone from the Toronto Area, have an extra seat thats goin up to the fest ? I want to go, but dont have a ride up.
  12. Im in Period! Had to bump this thread Telling friends about this show from back home
  13. I thought Neptunes got renovated and renamed? Am I wrong or have I been way to drunk everytime I hit Saint John to know whaat bar and hotel I say at?
  14. Im having BBQ chicken tonight aswell putting some Diana's BBQ sauce mixed with some franks red hot and some montreal steak spice in there too haha I just throw all I can find in to it
  15. Right on, Thanks for the link Jay! I bet Reggea show in Montreal will be a wicked! His Tracks are good
  16. Naw Mindtrix was just a big loser,
  17. Jeeze that looks like Fun! Wanna go Rappel Down a Cliff with me Bokonon?
  18. Oh fuck Probally one of my favourites of all time Chocolate bars or I guess squares are ICY SQUARES!! Put them in the freezer for a little bit and yummy!
  19. HAHA I just got in from the pub and I was drinking with some of the old boys there and we were on the topic of alternitive energy like solar power and wind power and how its becomeing more popular, now mind you they were in there since probally 12-noonish so they had a few in them already. But anywho one of the old boys said that alternite power is becoming more popular to the western world because we need it, and that we want to say FUCK you to the middle east and there oil, haha, So now on the topic of people in the middle east the other old boy says you know with all they oil over there the guys are filthy rich and have lots of wives, but its not fair to the normal people because not everyone can have ten wives cause then the population would have to be 10 women to 1 guy, So obviously some people have no wives, and they they are forced to beat off, and living in the desert beating off all day would make a man go crazy, So that were the Al-qaeda people come from I mean you would probally hate western culture if you had to live in the desert, with a couple cocnuts and a palm tree and beat off, thats why they go and blow them selfs up so when they die they can go to Ala and get some virgins, Thats where al-qaeda starts he said and I Lost it I dont htink I have EVER laughed soooooo hard in my life!
  20. Holy fuck leave some fish for the rest of the fishers haah Yea I always find high water good for abundancy in catchs they come out of there deep pools and have more room to feed, As for today Its raining so my yard work is on hold so lots of time for some beers!
  21. I used to go to Jamhub all the time but since the virus thing I havent been on it since, I was hoping it woudl get fixed but I guess not
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