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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. I melt for Lamb its probally my favourite meat ever! I wish I had Lamb Shanks for dinner today!
  2. Yea another one of my stupid questions but I heard today that amounts of methane produced from Cattle shit is more than cars so cattle shit is worse for the ozone rather than cars?
  3. HAHAAH MAN IM SOO ADDICTED to this this thing is soo much fun
  4. Im a Toronto Skank, mys-well sign me up Jay , Free stuff is the best stuff!
  5. I thought it was a good finnish to a game !!
  6. WHOOOOOO!!! Cant wait, Seen these boys when I was back home back to back nights in Saint John had a Killer time !! FUCK LAST NIGHT!!
  7. Yea I think I heard somewheres that TSN is streaming it aswell, Im just goin to the pub here in a few mins to watch it there and have a couple pints
  8. I heard that years of abusing baby laxitives eats away at your nasal cavity and your brain simply jusy slips out !
  10. Thanks AD I didnt know that but now its stored in the brain vault
  11. Looking for ">xray tech schools? I didnt know the red roses vrs light question, anyone know the answer?? just to cure my curiousity?
  12. Yea that would be a spectical to see deffinatly take a picture!
  13. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  14. OL HICKSTER'S SCORE Your scored -2.5 on Moral Order and -1 on Moral Rules. The following categories best match your score (multiple responses are possible): System: Liberalism Ideology: Capital Democratism Party: Democratic Party Presidents: John F Kennedy 04' Election: John Kerry 08' Election: Bill Richardson Of the 401,970 respondents (254 on Facebook): 11% are close to you. 37% are more conservative. 7% are more liberal. 22% are more socialist. 27% are more authoritarian.
  15. Wish I would have been there, but a bit of a travel from St john haha any pictures? Jay you got the show you did at Cest What on the archive yet?
  16. I LOVE Robot chicken ive been watching it for a while now, I have both seasons aswell haha cant get enough of it!
  17. hahah I need to get me one of those suits
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