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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. I wish I had a street legal snow mobile lol does look pretty nifty though
  2. That does sounds like a pretty cool idea
  3. Yea I had to use my old mans once cause I pretty much wrote a car off in Fredricton once what a crazy night that was
  4. yea I heard they were coming aorund that tiem aswell, Seeing them on thurday and friday in Saint John Nice way to start my x mas holidays hahah
  5. Im seeing them on the 20 an 21st when i get back to Sain John cant Wait!
  6. HHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmm Wenches! haha
  7. There is alot more to buying a house than I thought there would be, but it is a good experience I have found so far but alot of shit is involve expecially since I dont live in the province that the house resides in, but still a work in progress! heres a picture of my home away from home Its the Yellow one bottom left side of the picture
  8. YEa I got the same price when I was lookin around for tickets
  9. Yea it deffinatly is I have a younger brothr who is 12 and he though is was the stupidest thing hes ever seen, so its deffinatly something you have to grow up with !
  10. Yea Rachel no way out of it now! MuHAHAHAHAHAH
  11. Weve got Devine Heist, Gordon Gets Lost, The Ideal Gass Law in Saint John this year!
  12. Well I mean he explained it on the vid and doesnt seem to complex all standard things you can buy at Canadian tire!
  13. I seen the one that aired on CBC I loved it, haah Those two buddy are me heros, eh !
  14. Wow that is kick ass I might try this sometime
  15. Ol'Hickster


    I love the ol 1664!!!
  16. Yea im in the same boat probally figure that out when i get back from NB for x mas
  17. That does sounds liek fun
  18. Ol'Hickster


    I heard there is still a hotel downtown where you can buy beer by the quart bottles, is this true? or just hear say
  19. Back home in NB our Liqour stores open bright and early at 630 am lol there half a convince store so Beer liqour and Mix 6 30 lol
  20. A Investment Banker walks in the door after a long day at the office. He has a wonderful meal with his wife and then proceeds to the bathroom to get cleaned up for bed. While stepping out of the shower his wife looks in and to her utter surprise he was a 1000 dollar bill tattoo'd on his cocked. "What The HELL is that!!!" She yelled to her husband. "Well Dear, I like the way my money feels in my hands, I also like to play with my money from time to time, and I always like watching my money grow, and next time you want to go out and blow 1000 dollars you can just stay home"
  21. STS 9 has been added to the line up along with Dead confederate
  22. I LOVE goose havent had it in a while though Save some for me Willy !!
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