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Everything posted by Ol'Hickster

  1. DAM!!! I leave for New Brunswick on the morning of the 21st darn!~ Sloco in SJ will be fun though!
  2. I was just watching one of those yoguart in a tube commercials and the girl who has some of the new "Camoflauge" tubes camoflauges in to the back ground, then my mind wondered and was thinking about how the chameleon can camo in to its background but everytime ive seen them its usually more or less on maybe kinda 2 colors, but I was wondering what would happen if you put it on a tie die wall or shirt or something like would it be able to blend in seamlessly, and match the variety of super bright colors or is there some other explanation to the change?
  3. HAHA Yea I was shit faced when I wrote that haha, I ended up trying to make a grilled cheese after that but ended up getting caught up in my favourite family guy episode and its burnt to a crisp took a long while to get that burnt smell out of the kitchen
  4. Here is some High Plains Drifter when they played at C'est What,, it was a good time the video is a little blurry but it was the first time I used my new camera
  5. Where did you find that picture of me phishtaper hahahahah
  6. im laced with a night of rum an absinthe and no i havent but i do like there produced sound
  7. I dunno about you guys but I but I love these cats !!! Wann her some love post'm to the "Dog Catcher" Where ther Dogg in you ?
  8. Bouche your right my next trip should be Nero or evensooner to Ottawa But that will be the first place I check out I LOVE grilled cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Anyone knwo where you can do that around southern ontario or resonalbe travel distance cause ill go if anyone wants to maek a trip pout of it!
  10. Vote Bokonon for Dali Lama hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha
  11. Wouldnt relgioud people have more to contest with Santa and his saying being pegan that athiests???
  12. Holy fuck I heard about that last week somewheres!! dam I wish I could remember where ! causw when I heard it I was come-on What has this "Sensitive" world come to!
  13. hhah I havent heard that one in forever bokonon !
  14. I had a gormet or how every you say it grilled cheese at the fox and fiddle last weekend and I was soooooooo disipointed it was nothing more that toast with bacon and cheese and tomato on it I mean it wasnt even grilled!! I was pissed I take me grilled cheese to heart never again will I go there !
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