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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. You can also try scrapetorrent.com
  2. Umm.. I'll let no one know?
  3. Bah... first cousins... MAYBE
  4. The people at leech's lair have some serious attitude. I recieved a very rude pm recently for doing a "Hit and Run". Pshhh
  5. Got my PA ticket today, and am looking to extend my vacation. I am hoping to pay face, but willing in to throw some discs or give you ftp access to my media collection to sweeten the deal (over 100 Dead sound boards, and tons of other fun stuff). PM me if you can lend a bra some love. From Toronto, so if anyone local wants to help me out I'll throw in a cold beer, a back massage, and a half used chap stick (without the label)
  6. Is there a chance that there were so many healing vibes that we in effect changed history. Not healing Schwa's leg, but making it so that it was actually never hurt?
  7. Sounds like the new Pepto-Bismol song
  8. Dude... I'm totally going to be in your car!
  9. I had not thought of the pebble under the skin... but I definitely feel it.
  10. Just got my ticket and talking with friends about where to stay. Any suggestions? Where are you guys staying?
  11. I can not handle this emotional roller coaster. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Whosoever clever idea this was, I wish upon you one scraped knee.
  12. Thanks for the heads up!!! Spaced marathon sounds amazing.
  13. Here they are... all my vibes, in one place. For you! My thoughts are with you.
  14. I was just made wise of an installation currently in Toronto being housed at interaccess (queen and ossington). "InterAccess is pleased to present Electronic Shamanism, an exhibition of four interactive electronic media art works from Victoria, Toronto, Montreal and Texas that incorporate kinesthetic interaction and a wide range of sensorial engagements to examine the similarity between the shamanic experience and our interactions with high technology. The works in the exhibition also consider technology as a vehicle and mediator of shamanistic experiences, bringing spirituality and technology together, combining age old rituals and emergent media." Not entirely sure the hours but the contact info is on the site. link: http://www.interaccess.org/exhibitions/index.php
  15. I'll be really disappointing if this isn't the greatest ever...
  16. So I've been playing around a whole bunch with ableton and my new microkorg. Just uploaded my latest tune and would love your criticism. You can check it out on http://www.myspace.com/mobiledancepartyunit The track is the first on the list called "You don't know what it's like"
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