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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4766798 Enjoy all Audio is Lossless
  2. Belle and Sebastian Okkervil River The Avette Brothers Sufjan Stevens
  3. I have been making my own dvd of the first set of friday. 2 source audio matrix, single cam source. Dvd is fully authored with menu's and chapters. Will be online later this afternoon
  4. Hey all.. I made the dvd. It's made with the video source leaking around today. Has a custom 3 matrix audio soundtrack, menus, and chapters Enjoy!!! I got all excited... the dvd is all messed up. I'll try and get a working one online tomorrow
  5. Should be done later tonight... what torrent site do you think is best to put it up on... I was going to do Pirate Bay or Demonoid
  6. I personally liked friday the best... perhaps it was because I was there. Who knows... lol
  7. dima... never thought you had it in you to be eloquent... I am suprised! Raging hampton over at the crown plaza. Was absolutely blown away friday night. Hitting the road back in two hours though... so I hope sunday goes well for you!
  8. Dima.. myself and two others are planning to leave town around 12~! safe trip, see you when the light's go down.
  9. Got the tickets this morning. Thanks paddy you are a stand up Fan!
  10. Same as to what MoMack is saying... if anyone has some heady reservations I would be totally interested!
  11. Truth be told I have no idea. There are still hotels available for thursday night near biscuits. The rest of the nights are going to be by ear... we have a couple different friends with hotel rooms, so we'll wook ourselves a spot on someones floor. Right now I only have the friday ticket, so it's looking like the other night's might just be after parties, which isn't too bad. Possibly check out The Egg, or Pnuma, or EOTO, or Kimock. Tons of amazing music in the city this weekend.
  12. I know... luck of the draw. Got the other ticket to a friend of mine with a car... now the question is if we want to leave in time to see biscuits thursday night or not.
  13. pm me... I have infinite invites
  14. So apparently sublime is back together. http://consequenceofsound.net/2009/03/02/sublime-finds-a-new-singer-reunites-in-nevada/ Aparantly they are on the bill for Bamboozle. Along with Britney Spears. hahahaha. Video with new front man can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brKbmscXRR0
  15. Hmm... but I spent all my money to see no doubt...
  16. I am not sure which software to use off the top of my head but can give you some advice Stop doing anything on that computer until the files are recovered. You have not actually deleted anything, more just made the files able to be written over. So the more stuff you do on the computer, the more files you could potentially be writing over. If you find yourself stuck without any music let me know, I've got a decent collection of back ups, and you are welcome to come over and replace your lost backups if need be.
  17. No worries... if you check your email all the stuff is there
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