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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I cant believe Badams and Hal used to date.
  2. Come on MrBigTime. Get it together. Brian Rolston for Marc Denis?? Is that what you asre trying to say? That's completely ludicrous.
  3. I am with Collinsworth on that Cinci play call as it was snapped. Way to throw the game away you idiots!
  4. I dont understand why people hate Chris Collinsworth so much as the 'colour' guy. He's fun in my mind. He knows QB's better than color qb's know qb's. And he was a fantastic wide receiver when he played! He seesshit in real-time none of us will ever see no matter how hard we look.
  5. Low Roller, yes. That is the possibility. Every team wants to find that *guy* who will get them more than they are worth. Keep in mind every other GM is developing an "interesting business model". A team may desire Denis at the trade deadline but what do you really think a GM would give up for him? A 4th round pick at best? And that is a HUGE gain for Gainey if it somehow happened. All GM's play that game. That is why they are GM's and we arent. But you gotta take chances..........
  6. This shit looks gorgeous. Why did I watch so much hockey??
  7. I'll watch the Office et al later. Hello internet!
  8. Great looking game via Les Sans tonight.
  9. Probably? I just hate Breezer on D for Les Brahs. Then again, you never see Breezer on the 4th forward line. That's what Carbo should do!
  10. So, what is the consensus amongst Rich Stadium Sens fans regarding Schubert on D? As far as I am concerned, you fuggers are lucky. He aint not Brisebois blowin' tires and giving up stupid pucks.
  11. Why isnt this Flyers-Sens game on in High-Def? Jaimoe? Sportsnet advertised it............
  12. Denis is NOT "excellent trade bait". Please. You are talking about an AHL chump who has done shit in the NHL.
  13. ::reads MattM's reply, begins slow clap::
  14. Thanks for the reminder Whitey!!!!!
  15. In other news, Greg Maddux wins his 18th straight gold glove!
  16. Who says there wasnt? I was flipping channels and watching the San Antonio Skirts mow down on the Tecumseh Twats. It was as equally entertaining.
  17. GIGGS! What a shot from Ronaldo.
  18. Thanks for reminding me about what happened during our conversation on the phone last night. You didnt even you were cheering for Washington! Oh wait. Knowing you, you probably did.
  19. Killer way for Fisher to break in.
  20. My lord, I am terrified by some of the setups Heatley receives. Alfie just fanned on a one-timer yet somehow ended up with the puck and gave up the softest kill job for a Heater.
  21. I always enjoy your reviws. Darkness falls across the land The midnight hour is close at hand Creatures crawl in search of blood To terrorize y'awl's neighborhood And whosoever shall be found Without the soul for getting down Must stand and face the hounds of hell And rot inside a corpse's shell The foulest stench is in the air The funk of forty thousand years And grizzly ghouls from every tomb Are closing in to seal your doom And though you fight to stay alive Your body starts to shiver For no mere mortal can resist The evil of the thriller (laughter)
  22. Booche

    TSN 2

    Noobs. RDSHD. That is all.
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