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Everything posted by Booche

  1. This really should be its own topic. Moderator-alert!
  2. I am not saying it was Emmy worthy or whatever but it certainly was more enjoyable than Schwa's overplayed and dead-in-the-water joke.
  3. I found BradM's comment rather humerous.
  4. Hahaha, I like this pic of Jeff kissing Colin on the jawbone and I am willing to bet booches sista wishes she was him. More crackwhore.........
  5. One word immediately comes to mind. Sweet.
  6. That was unexpectedly enjoyble, especially after the cock-rock that was Pete Moss. Holy shit did I ever hate that frontman while he was onstage. Pretentious shit is what it was. Good show 'ersh. You boys have a big sound. I'll see youse again. Rocking the acoustic: You know you have 'made it' when some crackwhore rushes the stage and has to be taken off by security.
  7. Are you going to brag when you get tickets that afford you free softdrinks and popcorn? Of course you will.
  8. I still cant read an online/printed report. The Gene Upshaw first presented to me was a recently former Raider back in the early 80's. I had just become a fan and he sounded nasty-as-fuck as a player. From what I witnessed he did the game as hard as he did being the head of the NFLPA. He pissed off everybody. I mean everybody, teamates included but he did what he believed was right and that is all anyone should care about. Respect was a guarantee. I didnt know him, never met him but was learned of a cat who followed his own path. It was one of my first lessons.
  9. Augh. We came back online and someone scored Ronnie Brown. Bad decision on our part in the end. It would have been a killer move had we got him. So replace Ronnie Brown above with Fast Willie Parker, add Brandon Marshall as the B - pick and that is our team so far. Not bad at all. We'll use Willie for at least a 2nd round pick next season. I am gonna gun for a 1st round pick but we still have a decent lineup for this year if things play out our way. There is a possible win for us here. My partner is gunning for us to pick a TE (there are none left) or a D (top 3 left) right now and I am arguing my face off against it.
  10. I have no idea how many of you are in a Keeper League but I am sure some love fantasy football drafts. Tonight has sucked for my first draft because the CBS Sports site has crashed for us. We got through 2 picks while about to make a 3rd. Here's some early help for the rest of you though. Ronnie Brown is a KILLER 2nd round pick if he comes to you. Our first pick was Darren McFadden at number 6 but that pick was simply a keeper-minded one. I dont recommend him going this early. In the second round Ronnie Brown fell into our laps. Tons of waaaaay shittier running backs went before him. We looked at the players after us and hedged our bets that no one would take him while the picks flipped back to us so we went with Calvin Johnson which was another REALLY early pick but keeper-minded once again. As the draft snaked back our way, the servers crashed. We have Ronnie Brown in our queue next(followed by Brandon Marshall, can you believe that shit?) and I am shitting my pants to see if the gamble has paid off. Personally, it's astronomically doubtful but CBS Sports has him ranked below another 5 RB's so we are hoping guys have lost everything and the draft is continuing. Our mindset was building for next season and a couple to follow but if this trend continues we are going to have a KILLER team and if we get lucky we might somehow compete this season. Our opponents were drafting horribly. Please, please, please. QB - Drew Brees RB - Steven Jackson RB - Ronnie Brown (A - pick) WR - Andre Johnson WR - Calvin Johnson WR - Brandon Marshall (B - pick) Bench RB - Darren McFadden
  11. CRAB CAKES AND CHEERLEADERS? ::heads to bathroom::
  12. Dooooes......noooooooooot........compuuuuuute.
  13. He totally deserved that yellow, if only for being an undisciplined idiot on the play. After he was done tugging on the jersy, he took a swipe at his ankle. While its easy to assume the Jamaican took a dive (which was NOT 5 seconds later), it was still a yellow card. ::yellow-cards Jaimoe for being ignorant:: EDIT TO ADD: I just noticed TissueMan echoed the same sentiment.
  14. 10 minutes in and Sportsnet should already be embarrassed for poor production (cutting away from the play to give us the Jamaican starting lineup) and that brutal camera work. They best improve on this shite.
  15. The only person going crazier than us was Craig Forrest.
  16. If you dont score enough, which allows the refs decisions to come into play, there aint much to complain about. Sure it sucks but what else can you do under those circumstances? Barrett, that one game we watched on Louisa blew my freaking head off.
  17. Booche

    Barrymore's Sold?

    No no no no girl. You got it all wrong. The grime that is Bouche is what is keeping you from going out and enjoying live music.
  18. Oh God, do I ever hear you. But I still have fairly decent hopes for this squad because they have some talent this time. The MLS is definitely helping the progress of some players but CONCACAF is still a tough nut to crack with so little spots.
  19. You should totally call in sick tomorrow because it was your birthday last Thursday and you were forced to miss skipping a work day because you were already off.
  20. Happy bday my boy. That was a killer time on Saturday and I echo Sharons sentiments. Best bday song ever. I dont want to hear another one because yours will never be topped. And I am still slightly hungover. Fucker. JimmyB really enjoyed watching me flick yer nuts at 3 am. He's all kinds of sick.
  21. I certainly wouldnt consider that game a marquee matchup!
  22. How about the smell inside the Dance Tent? I thought RubberDinghy was drying his collection of Fruit Of The Looms on the air vents. And Bouche, if by "honey" you meant NorthernWish then you are correct.
  23. Bluegrass jam from The Dance Tent. That shit was a trip.
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