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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Paranoia, self destroyer. Awesome shirt. I stole this from Facebook. I cant believe I didnt take a shot of it considering how much it freaked me out.
  2. Ovechkin with the winner in hovertime. I cant complain because that was totally deserved based on his game tonight.
  3. La Ten Dresses the Caps with 30(ish?) seconds to go to tie it up at 4's. Unbelievable. The momentum changes in this game have been furious and the Habs have fought back from 2 goal deficits all night long.
  4. That was the tits. Point two seconds to go or something? Great goal by Les Brahs! 3-2 Washington with the third period to play.
  5. I have no idea how Komisarek's body is going to hold up this season. Holy fack does he ever throw it around. There was an early shift in the second (or late in the first) when he threw 3 massive hits and 1 decent one within a ten second span. The guy is unbelievable.
  6. If this aint no heady bump I dont know what you call it.
  7. and dreams of steamy days in Cleveland
  8. I cant believe how many NHL'rs go to Stages. Wait. I take that back.
  9. What the hell are you doing holding out on us? I knew you where still somewhat in the know.
  10. Of course they do but they will never give up how much they know and why they know what they know because the players that they interact with all day wont say another word to them. They also see a ton of stuff as well. These boys all share beers. Do you have any idea what they hear that you and I will never know about. Hell, Badams used to be our source for all kinds of juicy shit back when Muller was in the league. All kinds of shit and it was great ole crazy fun.
  11. Reba, you do understand that by using said logic you are saying that a life isnt worth 700 bucks. Just to keep it in perspective.
  12. There's no domestic abuse in the NHL?????
  13. This dude looks like he is eating a microwaved hotdog while checking out this thread:
  14. No way dude. This was the greatest. "Hey Rocket, two minutes for looking so good!"
  15. Sorry 'bout that. It definitely looks like it was someone in the know.
  16. She's probably the cougar that Hux railed and later bragged to us about.
  17. They should bring in Mighty Mouse as a center.
  18. Antoine Marryweather: Ok, now, you're going to be the center. So take this ball, bend over and I'm going to walk up right behind you and put my hands between your legs. Blaine Edwards: OOOH! I think I may have played this game before!
  19. i vote to remove retardinghbat as forum moderator
  20. i vote to remove retardinghbat as forum moderator
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