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Everything posted by Cully

  1. Not sure if this has been posted yet, but there is a live stream of the fest starting at 6pm every night. Sat. 06:05 PM The Bird and the Bee 06:55 PM Man Man 07:45 PM Dredg 08:35 PM VHS or Beta 09:30 PM DeVotchKa 10:25 PM Hot Chip 11:25 PM Animal Collective 12:15 AM Portishead 01:10 AM Flogging Molly 02:10 AM Yelle Sun. 06:00 PM Brett Dennen 06:50 PM Electric Touch 07:40 PM Shout Out Louds 08:30 PM Duffy 09:20 PM Manchester Orchestra 10:15 PM Stars 11:10 PM Spiritualized 12:15 AM Gogol Bordello 01:10 AM Metric 02:05 AM Love and Rockets Coachella Webcast
  2. Rock on my friend. Keep reaching for that rainbow!
  3. Love and good vibes my friend. Take Care.
  4. Happy birthday. Cheers.
  5. Cully

    More Panic!

    Probably Thursday in the Square - Buffalo. Love those free show!!
  6. really, well I do have a car. We will see...
  7. I really want to make it to this festival, I need my moe. and Umprhey's fix! Anyone going?
  8. Cully

    New MMJ leaked

    I can't remember what program my parents have, sorry brother. This new album is great. Love the tune Librarian. So happy I got to see them in such a small venue (before they become bigger than Jebus!)
  9. I love this site. Lots of great music, sweet mixes and rarities. Enjoy. Coventry
  10. Accardo needs to go back to the minors for a while. I am so happy the benched Thomas as well!
  11. what does this have to do with cottage life?
  12. yup. Got to love wireless.
  13. Think I should call my blog The C-spot?
  14. Hope you had a good one. Cheers.
  15. Loving life right now. I am sitting on my dock, having my first beer of the day, watching the birds fly all around me and the fish swim under me. There is still a lot of ice on Lake Couchaching, but I just may go for a dip later this afternoon! I also just found out that I can stay at my place until mid-June!
  16. It was like batting practice last night. Eveyone who started in the lineup got a hit! Marcum looked great!
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