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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. In. Pretty sure half of the crowd will be from Chatham. Party in OB1's room!
  2. c-towns

    Mix Tapes

    Online stapes is dead to us now.
  3. Did del eat your Ctrl button to?
  4. I forgot I had half a joint in my smoke pack when i went in, I actually thought I lost it as I was looking for it earlier, sure enough the security dude found hit and I laughed "Hey, There it is, I was looking for that earlier, wanna go smoke that outside?" The guy didn't find it funny.
  5. I'd like to know if the commish actually saw this trade come across his desk because I didn't see anything in my account...phishy...
  6. Looks like A19 row K for this guy!! Not bad for $34
  7. Superb show. Shields ripped it on the Wappy Sprayberry and yes, the encore was excellent. I'm still paying for it and its 530. Good times seeing everyone!
  8. Right back at ya! I think that was meant for me cheeseking!
  9. Chi Ten NO Mia Min NY Pit Den Car Oak Dal Ari SD NE Bal 21
  10. The Unified Scene replied with: "I'm starting to feel the same way the owner does about that shitty band."
  11. check me out sean, I'm interested in Mason. No wonder I'm in the basement, I've been playing one spot vacant all season and I didn't know there was an IR spot available, so I was essentially 2 spots down.
  12. Whats the best place to see the CK5 light show at an indoor phish show? Seats better than floors?
  13. Love the Springbank Cheese hype! These crackers rule!
  14. Is that girl now dead Kev? What is that from? I'd like to know what grade of concussion she recieved.
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