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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. and Solar Dad is the greatest failure this week.
  2. Look at you all proud of your picks lately schwa. What time is 1pm sunday kick-off anyway?
  3. I thought you were opening for the Riddim Riders in Hamilton, guess not.
  4. I wonder what happened to its beachball?
  5. c-towns

    Furthur tix

    nabbed orchestra seats Saturday morning but ruined a Christmas surprise in the act of, I think all parties are happy though. We should be able to get $30 hotel rooms mid week in buffalo.
  6. Is there an easy, cost effective way to make a non wireless laptop into a wireless laptop? Is there a non aircard method? Something to make it permanently wireless?
  7. What is that shit? Can stand losing to a better team?
  8. What is that shit? Can stand losing to a better team?
  9. Apparently I rode a camel once to.
  10. I have no idea what you're talking about.
  11. This brings back memories of this...
  12. You probably wish those days were erased from you memory for so many reasons.
  13. No worries, sounds like Birdy and I have some settlin' to do anyway.
  14. I didn't say I didn't deserve it. You comin' to town this year? Don't let Birdy fool you with stories of cool brothers either.
  15. I'd have to do some serious research to find all of the bands i saw this year festivals or not. You must have an elaborate diary.
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