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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. whats wrong with booze? I thought clear booze was fine, Vodka water or white rum and diet, whats wrong? Boozing makes me eat less also.
  2. Dal Det GB Pitt Minn NYG NO Jax Balt StL Den Cin NE Phil Ten 40
  3. Did the megaupload work for everyone? I can't seem to unzip whatever it downloaded for me.
  4. hmmmm, was someone peeing close to your gear when you set it down before the show? My buddy (who has never met you) described you to a beard hair and told me he almost pee'd on something resembling your gear.
  5. Did someone almost pee on the gear you had to hide outside of the opera house before moe.?
  6. I'd rather watch curling.
  7. I dont think anyones going to be in the c's at cobo and for what its worth, Swifty is kinda dumb.
  8. good on ya's, I work in the morning also but we'll see how that go's.
  9. I've seen you do crazier things than that.
  10. afterparty at my house unless the gratefully deadicated soundsystem rents the house next door.
  11. I was just saying yesterday that there wasn't any shows coming up that I was interested in seeing, now this and DSO. Tell me its on the westside of town jaydawg.
  12. clear to be a free agent or clear to play for the owner that is trying to get the player?
  13. nice, where are you holding up for the night? PM me...
  14. is that what the "W(Nov 17)" means in the Player list, someone has dibs?
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