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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. You may dig these guys if you're a fan of The Deep Dark Woods http://www.myspace.com/woolonwolves
  2. May as well not put the clubs away this summer.
  3. I would definitely hire him over these two nerds...
  4. Can anyone make any recommendations for a good general contractor in the Hamilton area?
  5. I like the simplicity of it, looks better than most of the other shite in the league, just look at the sens jersey with that cartoon Roman on it for a reference.
  6. Jackfruit is the band the bassist Shephane is in out in Vancouver, not sure what the other guys are doing these days but they're in the Montreal area.
  7. I saw this set-up at Del Fest, Schwa could attract a bigger crowd, alledgedly...
  8. The shows there are fairly early, I should be back Hamilton by 11 for my 530 wakeup, no sweat. Actually, looks like lots of sweat tonight. See you in the car!
  9. It is against the rules to practice sober.
  10. If you look at Blurry's avatar, I believe he is standing on one.
  11. It's called Holey-board and it was invented in Chatham and I will destroy you at it.
  12. These are truly the dog days of summer, first posts in here in 9 days. Not much has happened in sports that anyone cares about in here I guess. For one thing, I thought Jeter's 3000th hit was a sham for baseball, the guy was tossing him 78 mile an hour cupcakes. I watched some of 'The Open' on the weekend and was impressed by the play in the crazy weather. I'll leave the woman's soccer talk to Davey Boy.
  13. Did anyone catch Death from Above? No pun intended...
  14. I would find a Pepi's pizza in KW and eat your face off, get bacon no matter what. Keeping in theme with pizza, the sand dunes around GB look cooler on mushrooms.
  15. See Boogie On and Tweezer for some Dirty Mike
  16. Dirty Mike and the Boys BROUGHT it! What a great festival, good to see a lot of folks out and about. We had one of the closest camp sites that wasn't in Glem Close thanks to some veteran tour skills. Some young phans from Iowa took us under their shade tent and we proceeded to show them the wonders of Canada. David Bowie will forever be known as David Pukie in our camp after poor Prost got run by puked on by a dirty wookress. Woo Hoo!
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