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Pablo Sanchez

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Everything posted by Pablo Sanchez

  1. Pay me $29 and buy me a beer and I may go. No guarantees I don't throw my beer at him.
  2. Keep going Deeps. The east is the shiznit! You guys are a great band and things will just get better from here.
  3. I guess the fact that he was doing all with her $$ is an extra stinger
  4. So, Hookers and Blow in Vegas while your wife is at home with a newborn and todler is a no-no I guess?
  5. Hey everybody, A fantastic Ottawa band called Acres is playing tonight at Babylon with My Dad Vs Yours. These guys are a great rock trio that at times get into some superb sound scape moments. I'll be there for sure. Hope some of you make it out. www.myspace.com/acresband
  6. Beringer scares the poop out of me. Ever since I discovered that the tube in one of their tube compressors sole purpose was to light up.
  7. Lara loved Joel. I think it inspired her dream to one day be a member of umphrey's mcgee.
  8. This flick is great. Joel was certainly an enjoyable character. By the looks of the interviews with him later, it appeared as if he totally had his shit together, lived in a very nice looking space, etc.. Its nice to see he didn't go down that dark road that so many tambourine players do once their bands implode.
  9. What are you doing on a messageboard while you're watching a movie? Pay attention... thats a good flick.
  10. Festival Promotions is a local company. The guy that runs it is very nice and a dead head as I recall. Just say no if he offers you a rum shot.
  11. I just rented this yesterday. We haven't watched it yet but I'm looking forward to it. Is it even possible to make a bad rock movie? every one I've seen I love.
  12. Perhaps.. It was during a time when we recorded everything. I still have a couple of spindles of shows that nobody has that I've got to sort through and do something with.
  13. Yeah... being verbally assaulted by scary cougars proved to be too much for the little guy. I can actually still picture him laughing his ass off while playing when that was happening.
  14. perhaps this one: Quote of the Day: "I want you to see my pussy! I want you to eat my asshole!" That was being screamed at Shane by some older ladies of questionable character. That night was quite a rager though..
  15. I was inspired to take a peek at the quotes and found this: all from one night! Quotes of the Day: “Let’s put our hands together for Chris Buote, and nero!†“We’re not getting served fucking seafood liver tomorrow.†“Too bad none of us will remember THIS in the morning.†(I do forget what that was about, too) “Look at tits.†“ I like to fuck squirrels too!â€
  16. I have no idea, but I'd love to see it.
  17. I was under the impression that you could buy them in person at Maverick's. I could be wrong. We should soon have the official blurb about what's going on.
  18. Yes, we did play with metalwood at babylon.
  19. nero never played with the new deal. The openers are Jan.12 - Dave Lauzon, Jan 13- Elbeejay
  20. I believe tickets are on sale now at Maverick's. They are supposed to be online at www.mavericksbar.com soon. $15 per night or $25.00 for both nights
  21. Congrats to you both!! He looks just like Julia if you ask me. I hope to visit with you guys sometime soon. All the best, Dave
  22. usually 10pm. Except tuesdays when I practice. I go to bed at 1:30. I love to sleep. Sometimes when I'm putting Aslan to bed I fall asleep at 8:30 and stay there all night.
  23. I love this band. I'm going to the show on saturday. looking forward to it.
  24. Of course I'll be there. I'm going on first so I'll be starting before 10 (for real brad!)
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