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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Look, if you go into stores and they accept stones wrapped in tinfoil that's fine, but to me that's not $0.37 You looked like you just shit your pants. Hope your morning was alright, DB.
  2. ...in town, looking to hang out with you. text/call 778.999.3897 has bus tickets will travels.
  3. Looking forward to pacing myself enough to remember that past next week.
  4. Though you're probably not out of line, once we set limits on 'appropriate', these limits will change.
  5. Who ever said that this is a WARNING? It's up to us whether or not we assert 'disaster' to 'end'. Keeping in mind that the codices that we have that deciphered Mayan Heiroglyphics were extremely limited and the rest of the culture was either murdered or dispersed. I think it's dangerous to expect the worst. Which is interesting that we're in the period that is particularly NOT 365 days or many of our years and that more people than ever before are particularly interested in cultures and mysticims that are on the 360 day/leap months schedule? Do you find it curious that we're in a time of upheaval in regards to religion, bureaucracy, and power structure, and are in a time of flux?
  6. Upholding the law could potentially be used as a reason to pervert just depictions of other acts of animal cruelty. "Attorneys for Mr. Stevens said his sentence was 14 months longer than professional football player Michael Vick’s prison term for running a dog-fighting ring. Mr. Vick has served his sentence and has resumed his career." Certainly a great example of how this rule absolutely upheld is a perversion of the concept of justice.
  7. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    analogous to the Kaballah? I think that could get you shot in some places on the globe. Gautama and Confucius had very different ideologies, T. The current Chinese leadership is certainly not Buddhist. However, I think you're pretty close but it's the finer points (that really do make up a lot of ground if even properly scrutinized) that don't quite match up.
  8. laps, trunks, split on a rental? 2 people in a rental is way cheaper than the bus. For the weekend? You can even sleep in it!
  9. If for whatever reason you choose to not take basher's awesome advice, people love to buy cheap cars on Kijiji.
  10. Dude, you can totally pull that off, and have near flawless tone for your youtube channel. I don't know if you have a volume pedal to send your guitar signal to a second amp or through a drive pedal that can bring out honky mids, but since playing guitar and sax at the same time would be hard, it's certainly a fair compromise. Of course, learn those other songs too, but I don't know of another album/track that is as close to everything that I've watched of your loops. Now...if you could comp all of those lines/riffs exact that would be really awesome, cause I would expect those notes to come...and you'd pull off both a seamless live loop, but you'd know the tune inside and out...and be on point and on fire for a few minutes. I first thought of this: a__RYP10myw but changes happen when new layers come in and tight live looping requires bass and guitar on stands with (maybe) a keyboard or something else... And then I saw this and thought that more people should hear it. If I lived in Collingwood I would probably want to spend a few afternoons playing stuff like this now and again in backyard BBQ's and ski parties with ya... eFrkJJhC8IE Anyhow, Texas Twister...totally within reach tonally and logistically. That whole Freestylin' record is awesome. Since then, I've been a fan of Ubiquity Records. It fills the void that's in the middle of Ninja Tune that I always found disappointing...and led me to listen to more live/acoustic music. Things would be different if I'd hung around record shops instead of the beach.
  11. nifty? neato? niiice. The thing with the 360 day calendar is that it requires a different understanding of what a calendar is. We base our 365 day calendar on a planetary year - one run around the sun - and the seasons match up perfectly and it all 'runs smoothly' but a calendar is really a schedule and setting the man-made schedule separately from the planetary calendar opens up our perceptions of time and could serve to have us truly understand coincidence on a 40 year cycle. Instead of running on a Hamster wheel/treadmill, year in and out, people were lucky to see one rotation of a cycle. I think that in many ways a 360 day year (with leap months) would be a far better thing to have, as the seasons keep rolling without us qualifying them with our 365/366 day years. That's my take on it, without getting into the reading suggested here yet. It's only "six of one, half dozen of the other" if you have 2 options. This perspective adds a nice 3rd dimension to the subject.
  12. KMOZQAS0neg So you're gonna have to play the smooth funky chords and the bassline at the same time (call/response) and hit the loop right when you come in on the 4th repeat to set your loop right. No dickin' around this time!
  13. Rock and mothafuckin' Roll!!
  14. If this explanation of the Mayan Calendar as a timeline/schedule is correct, we're in a period that cycles at the same rate as a few old historic/ancient calendars http://www.360calendar.com/ http://www.ancient-world-mysteries.com/360-days-earth-year.html Aside from an astonishing coincidence, I wonder if this is significant. Is anybody into this enough to have any related info/links to share?
  15. Loosely translates, ya turds. Punctuation is exempt from translation. I am not a turd. Sometimes a quivering steaming pile, but not a turd.
  16. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Edit: middle east. My bad. Geographic proximity to catholic churches. Sufism (from the tiny bit I've read of) is absolutely beautiful - of course that's how it spread to the east! No wonder Indonesia has the world's largest muslim population! Amazing. Most 'isms' ruin things eventually. So in thinking that 'Dhammic' was a word (conjugated in english properly...), I never thought to check until today...and I *just* googled it and found this: Dhammic Socialism Which seems pretty akin to the way in which I used the word 'Dhammic' and my 'in an ideal world' view on socialism/communism (and in many ways other parts of the political/social spectrum). Wiki'd Unfortunately, it was not worded as such Too bad the 'isms' skew it all. Sometimes I wish I could just discount religion and focus on tangibles, but the universe is pretty amazing and feels so connected/important that I just can't.
  17. Hal - people are buying single-serving eggs, but are also buying more cartons of eggs from local small farms. The people that produce the music still get paid - the artists get a bigger cut from online single sales per track than album record deals. the other people that PRODUCE still get the cuts they did before. When you see a producer bitching about piracy, s/he hasn't updated his/her contracts to find other avenues of revenue...dinosaurs don't think they need to evolve, meanwhile birds fill the sky!
  18. 1 song on itunes...$1 10 songs on itunes...$10 16 songs on itunes...$16 16 songs on an album...$10-20 What do you call the 'music industry'...everyone that somehow profits from a hard copy sale? It's NOT obvious, as in a record deal it's most often up to the bands to pay for their album production from the advance on their royalties. The bands make about $1 (sometimes more) from one album sold in a store at full price. They still have to record the tracks, Hal. So you suggest that the feed be controlled and watered down with overproduced, overpromoted industry garbage or just that they get into the ISP business.? What do you think the 'music, television, and movie' industry is? The companies or the artistic/tech talent? For the most part, the talent is hired for projects to produce content. Who do you expect to pay their mortgage while they take their union to a totally different place? Their schedule. (mostly) interrupted by commercials. Actually, Shaw is getting pretty big too...StarChoice and Cable...and often more than $70 a month for the big packages that still fail to live up to their worth. How are the people producing content losing out? They're still producing content. I would like to suggest a shift in perspective: It is so easy to look at the change as a big problem, but any of these changes and challenges are occurring while the times are moving along. We're sold on the 'crisis' from the same place we were years ago...on our sofas, in our theatre seats, stuck in rush hour, at our desks. Well everybody else is moving along in their battle, it's crucial that we do as well - if we ever expect to have a clue about what's happening. The spread of the internet has just splintered interests and our time. Instead of having the same 4 radio stations to listen to that we could rely on for great tunes, they've all jumped around the dial and formats. Meanwhile, we don't really want to hear those same songs and might want to watch or listen to an interview or comedy...where do we get that? Internet? Satellite radio? Netflix? What if we now want to spend a few hours more a week playing a game or with an online drum machine...instead watching that movie or listening to those records we'd have otherwise gone to buy? What about local sports? Times and interests, though we might not really want them to, are decidedly changing. All sorts of things are gaining in popularity. What's becoming LESS popular? Hard copy print media? Margarine? Barack Obama? Tea(bags)? I say that our old ways of consuming are becoming unpopular. Putting more time and intention into consuming records and movies seems to be a thing of the past. Looking at the internet as something that cheats people out of their living is an outdated perspective. It doesn't work anymore. There are more companies of every sort making more money than ever VIA the internet. More people are doing things themselves. So what if the big companies aren't holding a strong stranglehold on an oligarchy? Now...the other side of the equation is that anybody can buy a home studio that sounds incredible...it's up to them to learn how to do that properly. With people putting money into not only a home studio but other aspects of living, there are *likely* fewer dollars to go to the 'real' professionals - the guys that do these new DIY things as their profession. Fewer big records being produced means fewer big studios have fewer cheques to pay the same number of bills. Is that unfortunate for those people? Certainly. Have they had time to anticipate this and plan to, say, learn how to master albums (make a dull mix come alive, something that few people can do and is the key to a pro sounding album)? I realize that is only one example, but there are countless smaller film productions that pay union wages and they all need lighting, sound, grips, etc. Commercial production? Still roaring. While there are more websites and new media avenues, these all need content...so where big music is losing, smaller independent producers are winning...at least getting more (yet smaller) gigs. The reality is that there are more people trying to make a living and everybody's trying to spend less money. Less money out means that there's less money to spread around in the end. Mix that with businesses trying to pay their employees less and less as the days pass, it's very convenient to find a scapegoat. Until people everywhere can demand the full value of their time and work, we're going to have to deal with this silly discussion regularly. We're so obsessed with getting stuff for less, we've focused our efforts to that instead of demanding abundance/higher pay across the board. The countries that seem to favour people making more money and having less time off tend to have the strongest music industries per capita (Sweden? Germany?). When Music/the Arts is seen as an export, then we will find that more initiatives will take place to support and foster creative work. For example: Sweden has publically run/funded rehearsal and studio spaces. How hard is it for a band to find a jamspace in Southern Ontario? Instead of cheaper music, more $$$ = opportunity to buy more records. The same Living standards cost more lately - that's already awful enough. It shouldn't impact on our perspectives as much as it seems to have. It's time to keep moving. :chug:
  19. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Seems pretty appropriate, since Jesus spoke out against worshipping in an organized fashion - he was decidedly anti-church and his teachings were quite 'buddhist' (Dhammic?). If they worship their teacher as God, then any real attempt to ascend above and commune with divinity is arguably stuck at a glass ceiling. Not that aspiring to live a life like Jesus isn't commendable, but there's certainly something beyond what the human mind can comprehend. With limited scope comes limited conscience. All the REAL Christians were killed off by the church or assimilated into other religions (such as Islam, which upholds the glory of God as Jesus aspired much more overtly) Of course, that's mostly informed Opinion. I love Jesus as much as the next prophet - true or false. Curious how many churches in the east/far east are in extremely close proximity to mosques, eh?
  20. To each their own. I freely share files from my hard drive if I take it anywhere and am open to trading discs, but prefer to make/take DVDs and then need to make my own CDs, as if I never buy the album but want it and can buy it at a show or a store I'm more likely to do so. If I wouldn't WANT the CD then why buy it? Someday I'll be buying more vinyl.
  21. I'd say it's cause I wear my heart on my sleeve but I've posted a lot of things that - if they were as such would really be not at all what I'm about. More like a sometimes tongue-in-cheek joke, sometimes an explanation of my 'posts before he edits' type behaviour, sometimes perfectly appropriate moniker. Some canned beats are awful.
  22. Esau's ride didn't pan out and he said he was gonna go fishing. It's on here somewhere Y'know what - I shouldn't really meddle in this. A fishing weekend would be pretty awesome too.
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