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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Cost effective? How about just plain effective? The money's there somewhere.
  2. it's the eyes in shadow and the hungry smile.
  3. Christ, that is such a creepy photo.
  4. I assumed he meant God. Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] If Benedict worked for God instead of the Church it would be apparent. I still have to wonder who his bosses are.
  5. The O Train Rail line hooks up to a CP line between Ottawa and Kemptville, a growing community in the Heart of North Grenville. Years ago we lost our Voyageur Bus route and there's only yellow charter buses that connect non-auto commuters to the city that's technically only across the river. Halfway to the border, North Grenville's in a great place for a satellite community: far enough away from the city to be its own entity, but close enough to be a short commute...less than an hour to downtown in the morning. -Chris Must
  6. You'll really give me $50 for my number nines, DB?
  7. Not the worst pope ever, but this is entirely weak. Velvet: Which boss was that?
  8. Amazing. Lotsa love to you folks.
  9. maybe I should trade mine away then
  10. M.O.B.E. still hasn't told us whether he drinks the coffee or fills his emema bag with it. liver: done right it is great, done improperly (most people don't know how to cook liver) it's a waste of a perfectly great piece of pet food.
  11. Buy smart, Buy once.
  12. I like the antioxidant green Yogi tea, Ms.Z., as i do the 'St. John's Wort blend (it tastes great and fortunately I don't *need* the St. John's wort, so any mellowing boost that gives me is a bonus. As far as a 'favourite' I'd have to say that I really like Genmaicha...a Japanese green tea with puffed rice. After I started drinking this tea (and since stopped since I never go into tea stores) I stopped fully boiling my water to make tea. So glad you found me, Genmaicha.
  13. You may want to find a way to make a sauce without the tomato... ...even though that was a pretty big part of it. Gonna reduce, hydrate with beer or whiskey, reduce after you thoroughly brown your flavour base (garlic, onions/shallots, chilis/chipotles, (vinegar?))? When would you add in the bacon...or would you make the bacon in the pan and then go from there? Sweet mustard bourbon BBQ sauce is also a fave, but a distraction from this thread.
  14. that's becoming increasingly apparent...whether it's near or distant future remains to be seen. Anyway, I wonder what can work to fight the ghost pepper? Yogurt goggles?
  15. Big Sugar is all about amp volume...Guitars through Ampeg SVTs with tube blowers in front? Huge outdoor stages would let that band be as loud as they'd ever want to be without causing significant injury to its fans. What an awesome band that could have taken on the world.
  16. DEM...pinheads that see eye to eye with Coulter on what issues? It's really entertaining to watch people get so enflamed about this freakishly long&tall skinny aryan reptilioid (she looks like a monitor lizard).
  17. U2 3D IMAX was great. Here's to more concert movies.
  18. FBN - you should have just told me to ride a donkey into town.
  19. Discussing politics in the politics forum...real elitist.
  20. I'd favourite it on youtube. FWIW, the soundbytes we hear on TV and the text of what went down really doesn't tell the whole story. pGjB2oq9o8Q&feature=player_embedded If you really expect her to answer a question that had to do with 'magic carpets' by interrupting her then expect a camel remark. An Airline boycott isn't really all that out of line when it comes down to across-the-board racial profiling, yet because it came out of Coulter's mouth it's overdone??
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