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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Any Local Heroes sports bar and grille will make you delicious chicken wings as big as a toddler's arm. What are your shawarma standards, c-towns? Ottawa is all over the Lebanese food.
  2. SaggyBalls


    If you have an alarm system you may not be able to use VOIP, as a landline or wireless option is generally mandatory.
  3. My apologies - 'Less Unhealthy' Every time I go to KFC I think back to how much I loved this stuff 15 years ago and leave sorely disappointed (figuratively and literally with a bit of digestive delay) every time. [color:purple]Maybe the cheese and bacon will redeem them.
  4. My apologies - 'Less Unhealthy' Every time I go to KFC I think back to how much I loved this stuff 15 years ago and leave sorely disappointed (figuratively and literally with a bit of digestive delay) every time. Maybe the cheese and bacon will redeem them.
  5. How you folks can realisically think that a white bun is healthier than another piece of fried chicken is beyond me...especially when those 2 things are generally combined in a sandwich, requiring competing enzymes and bodily functions to effectively digest. Just don't try to eat more than four at a time when you go on tour this summer, kids.
  6. You're calling shenanigans on a Star Wars Sound Effects poll. Overruled.
  7. I think that what should confirm how much of a star wars nerd I am is HOW I got 70% cause you'rte probably a bigger nerd than I am, Schwa.
  8. How is that racist? Russian and Polish aren't races.
  9. Does anybody know much about Peterborough's attempts to extend the Go system to the Kawarthas? I hope it works out for the Electric City, as it would be a real triumph for that Town in Transition.
  10. even after I read 'albums', this is what came to mind. I'm all about the sounds of birds chirping, the breeze in the trees, and the splish splash of clumsy fools diving into the water hazard for their lost drivers.
  11. Hope you've been smilin' all day, Schwa. Here's to you. All those years saying 'no really it's not an april fools joke it really is my birthday' ...riiiight.
  12. (NEWSER) – Dozens of Glenn Beck fans who emerged from an event at the University of Central Florida to find their cars gone say they were the victims of a fraternity prank. They followed signs directing them toward free parking, only to later discover that their cars had been towed from a Kappa Sigma parking lot. The 53 Beck fans had to shell out $125 each at the impound lot. The owner of the tow company says it was his busiest day ever. The Beck fans believe it was definitely a set-up, motivated either by dislike of Beck or greed. "Maybe they have a deal with the tow truck company, or maybe they got kickbacks under the table," one motorist told WFTV. Kappa Sigma members declined to comment.
  13. as if I'm more on the ball than you working stiffs
  14. The real cost strategy should take int account the costs of the vehicles that are currently on the road - not just the fuel costs, congestion, and pollution, but the maintenance and replacement costs of individual vehicles - the total expenditure for the individuals, not just the few corporations or government departments that would foot the initial bill/time for extending rail travel to connect Canada once more. Anyway, this could get way out of hand really easily and I originally posed a significantly attainable commuting goal for a fast-growing and sprawling city into a rural community that could, with the right boost, be a fantastic rurban centre. I know that Merrickville is a transition town (village) and it's about 15 minutes past Kemptville. 'North Grenville' has a Community Plan but we're facing a mayor and some rapid development that is undermining its aims so it's pretty interesting to watch this all happen (or fail to) considering that rail would be a huge piece of the pie. In our recent provincial by-election, the Green Party was number 3 in a Tory Stronghold. As it stands, Leeds-Grenville is a large riding, stretching from Westport to Kempville to Cardinal to Ganonoque (clockwise starting in the west of the riding) The vast majority of the votes are in the Brockville area, as it's the largest 'city' in the riding. It's the major reason this is a Tory Stronghold, as there is a fair bit of industry in that town. If this riding can ensure rail travel gets a foothold into our infrastructure - especially so close to the Nation's Capital - it could really be a springboard for other ridings to follow suit as well as help other initiatives that would otherwise be voted on as 'not cost effective'. Or so I presume. Baby steps, folks. I wonder how many other unused or underutilized spurs and lines could connect satellite communities to bigger centres, in turn allowing communities to shift their developmental focus from the auto to rurbanization.
  15. The argument can be made that it is a major cause, but it's not just that, Dr. Mouse. The end of suburbia addresses Peak oil which - if you have that as a keystone then the world as we know it comes crashing down, not just urban sprawl. And I am skeptical of Peak Oil being an absolute, especially with other fuel sources and the ability of the ruling classes to look ahead and find new ways to succeed and make money. We can't quite say that 'Ancient Sunlight' is the only reason city Councillors are in the pockets of developers, and government officials remain ineffective in shaping our future development. If fuel were more expensive we'd still burn it. It's going to take a lot of undoing to get people to not only want to demand more for themselves, but to understand what kind of more is reasonable and justified and what kind of more is giving them cancer.
  16. the legendary, Davey Boy, everybody!
  17. That'll be part of the equation for sure but that's not the fix. Urban sprawl doesn't happen just cause gas is cheap. So what really defines urban sprawl...building out instead of up, or building houses and shops and few other community resources? How about just building? I wonder what would happen if there were a morotorium on new housing development for 2 years in Ottawa - if there would really be a housing shortage. What if we would build out but still have vibrant communities where people didn't commute more than 30 minutes each way? And once we start developing communities sustainably, what's to become of these house-beside-house eyesore subdivisions?
  18. Why does it have to be a 'no that until this' approach? Both are vital, as without a support in place we will never leave the cars at home cause we would be stranded at our doorsteps. But you're right about urban sprawl. Ottawa is absolutely ripe with it. How do we stop urban sprawl when people would prefer to live in a house than an apartment building?
  19. An epic night of television...Keep your head up, Kid>the Pacific>Breaking Bad
  20. I figured that somebody could...cause I sure can't.
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