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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. How would they get there? The St. Lawrence has only been open enough for large creatures for less than a hundred years. Plus, it's highly polluted. Would you rather swim in a clean saltwater pool or my bathwater?
  2. Derek and Susan? John Brown's Body? Great. Haters are lame.
  3. I still think it would be interesting if Esau could speak Arabic.
  4. ArabiAN? Somewhere between your brain and your Keyboard hands is your throat...which is from where ArabIC would flow if you knew that language. ...Which would be awesome.
  5. I went to a meditation course and they had 'imitation coffee'...which I believe was some instant chickory stuff (obviously bulk) and it was awesome. with milk and honey...awesome. Instant coffee has its place...most notably in baking.
  6. Come on dude - moms need love too.
  7. Arabica coffee is not from a geographic region...there are 2 types of coffee beans - robusto and arabica. robusto are cheap, crappy, and very rich in caffiene. Unless a coffee says '100% arabica coffee' it will be Robusto. To not put that on a label is a huge oversight, expecially considering that the cost diferrential is enormous. Arabica coffee is 'merely' a better type of bean. It's the easiest and cheapest way to make sure you get a minimum level of quality with your sale brands. Although it's possible, I don't know (not that I'm up on my coffee anymore) of any $15/lb coffee (or thereabouts) that has any robusto beans. Not trying to correct you, Esau, but it's a great little coffee tip. If you are a coffee spendthrift then you'll at least get better, healthier brew
  8. Religion is all about how one lives their life, Sarahbelle. How are these expectations unrealistic? I suggest that they're realistic but improbable. and while aspects of the abortion issue and the premarital sex issue can easily be argued to make those acts very wrong, that's a different issue than allowing them to occur and properly educating kids on both sides of the issue - which nobody seems to be doing properly. While I'm 'pro-life' in a literal sense and certainly believe that any woman that is healthy enough to bring a child to term should make any possible effort to do so and then possibly put that child up for adoption, I'm also pro-choice as it should certainly be an option for medical reasons and my moral position is not more important than a person's medical position. getting into the unwanted pregnancy issue - though there are various shades of grey, even tinted with other parts of the spectrum, is certainly the only part of the abortion discussion where the right/wrong debate can occur People do 'the wrong thing' all the time. Either way, Forgiveness certainly is the Christian thing to do and that is a debate and moral concern that those directly involved (certainly not me ever in any way medically possible) are the only ones that can and should be able to choose. Of course, this is my opinion, but it is a compassionate and pragmatic one...far more objective and expansive than the opinions I've been subjected to in the media.
  9. I meant to edit that post and another one instead of 'adding' the post... Thanks for the first bit that I deleted, D_Rawk. Gotta love the double negatives.
  10. Pay to be a part of society? While you may believe that you can justify blind payment of taxes as a duty to 'society', suggesting that exemptions would be based upon outdated modes of thought is incredibly ironic. I'm guessing that You are a member of a society - the Law Society. Most people think that they are part of a 'society' but this is a myth. What is the common goal that everyone in 'society' is striving toward? What is 'our'(their) credo? What are 'our' (their) outlook, goals, ideals, and collective function? When you use a word like 'Society', you'd better understand what it means. Of course you didn't capitalize it but perhaps you should have. I am, big guy. There should be guidelines for tax exemption - although we will never be explicitly told that taxes are not a necessity of life when we are so easily led to believe whatever they tell us.
  11. While I can accept that socioeconomic class can have an effect on heredity, it's such a thick subject that some stupid white bitch is bound to show off how she thinks she could somehow prove the trailer park is superior to the projects.
  12. Bouche: we are in partial coffee agreement...I can enjoy coffee that I feel is substandard and although it makes me feel like a hypocrite, I know it's just coffee. re: pinch of mustard...try it in a pot. Just a pinch though. I prefer cinnamon or a bit of real vanilla...even though the fake crap does almost as well for this application (Something tells me you don't like artificial anything) Ms. Zimmy: I hope you're around when I get that 'I'm gonna tell that jerk what I think about his ugly crosseyed friend that spat in my face' look in my eye.
  13. Why do you object to churches being exempt from paying taxes when you could just as easily rally for other groups to be exempt, as that's ultimately far fairer than changing the rules in a big pout? My apologies for not actually responding to what you were looking for, but I don't really recall any serious issues. I always found it strange that the Jehovah's Witnesses always left the room for the anthem and Lord's Prayer instead of humbly being in the room or going over last night's homework instead of standing and reciting. All throughout my time in schools it just seemed so entirely flaky that so many religious symbols and ideals were never explained or expressed as such. It was always 'Christmas' and 'Easter' never 'Holidays' - yet we never learned anything useful or insightful about what these times represented. I know it contributed a lot to my lack of respect for the education system and the teachers that did nearly nothing to actually teach. Aah...busy work.
  14. I really hope you're not as much of a yuppie as this post suggests, Bouche. The most crucial part of the initial question is whether or not one drinks their coffee black or with cream/milk/creamer/sugar ...or only brews coffee, rather than adding some cinnamon or mustard or a pinch of salt into the mix. I PREFER whole beans, ground, in a french press - and while it's clear to ME that preground coffee is stale and lazy, I still drink preground coffee and enjoy the fuck out of it. If I can have maple syrup and 10% cream then great, if not maple syrup then Demarara sugar, if not demarara then brown sugar, of not brown sugar then I'll generally drink the coffee black without cream. The Cinnamon/Mustard pinches are great once in awhile, but only for a creamy sweet drink for me. I can enjoy the hell out of a craft beer or a PBR...so it stands to reason that if you can't stomach black coffee then you don't really like coffee, you like dessert beverages ...and though I take myself fairly seriously when I say that, I expect to be the only one that does.
  15. I just walk down the road to get eggs but they don't do chickens...great thread.
  16. pesto is great with dijon in a vinaigrette I prefer it as a pasta sauce to most tomato sauces and certainly most alfredo/cream sauces, but I'm into Aglio e Olio when i see it on a menu, so I'm pretty sure my vote is already as spoiled as my breath. oregano/basil, garlic, sunflower seeds, olive oil, black pepper...either on a really low heat (gas) or double boiled (electric) with a dash of lemon juice and a pinch of sea/kosher salt...with or without romano cheese... ...easy and awesome. fuck barbeque sauce...
  17. SaggyBalls


    Focaccia is best toasted/heated...that's (of course) why it's a favourite for paninis...and that's (of course) why mediocre focaccia (which is commonplace) has left Bouche unimpressed. I've only really enjoyed that crappy stale bread a couple of times. Amazing when it's bakery-fresh.
  18. The east is a toss up for me... vs. PhiladelphiaBoston = BostonPhilly in 76 vs. PittsburghMontreal = MontrealPittsburgh in 57 In the west, however... vs. San Jose = Detroit in 5 vs. Chicago = Vancouver in 6
  19. It would have saved me a lot of (probably not enough) editing to just have quoted this and typed '+1' ...Well put and entirely reasonable. ...But there really should be some ground rules for this kind of education. Where the hell are the religious left when we need them?
  20. I really think that the official 'separation of church and state' concept is part of the problem...although it's fair and can be argued as 'logical', it gives so many people the out to ignorantly brush off any sort of 'old-fashioned' moral codes and rebel against those concepts rather than anything that these kids and their parents have had any direct conflict with. There really is far too much conflict in schools and that gets in the way of learning and growing. Ms. Hux had me with souls not being gifts until she qualified it with unproven science. I think that FAITH-based schools could stand to be less strict with religious doctrine, as while faith and religion overlap, they are independent. Part of me wishes there were a 'New-Age'(ugh) separate school board to appeal to Atheists/Agnostics, non-religious, non-spiritual people, and religious folks alike. Chances are their teachers would make things at least entertaining. (While Agnostic loosely translates to 'without knowledge' and Atheist loosely translates to 'without belief' and as religion is independent of spirituality, disbelief in spiritual knowledge and disbelief in God are certainly 2 things I can't grasp at this stage in my life) Your clear bias permeates throughout your response. Did you not read what I said? I think your point of view is wrong. In addition, if we want to teach kids societal moral codes and life lessons, we can find a better way to do it than by convincing them that here is a man in the sky who will punish them for breaking those moral codes. There's an awful lot more to Religion than taking stories literally and having really awful teachers/preachers. Just leaving it to hamilton's perspective only leads to an 'instead of this' attitude which really only tunes things out instead of welcoming a full range of perspective. I prefer inclusive to exclusive. And while hamilton's not entirely right, he's also not wrong. I think there are possibly better ways to teach kids a lot of things than we are and have been doing, but there certainly is a lot of potential to be realized in opening things up to religion. I don't really think that society has perfected its alternatives to religion. IMO, Community is certainly a much better teacher than religion, but that's thriving in pockets while it continues to rot away elsewhere. Too bad that 'the church' seems so out of touch. It's ruined religion for far too many people. Instead of PROMOTING religious-based moral codes, they can certainly introduce them into discussion. Denying this is like saying that Sex-Ed promotes promiscuity and teen pregnancy and I see the hypocrisy in this.
  21. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Jesus: A crank yankers puppet with Anime heartburn.
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