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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. I suppose that if there were a time for me to enlist (I understand that the cutoff age is 40), it would be a time when our forces aren't propping up questionable international conflict, are working in rebuilding countries devastated by war, and instead are focusing on more of a supportive effort at home. The west landed in Central Asia...doesn't seem like it's a place that we're really welcome. "You went there with an ambulance or a tank?" -Sheikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Sweilen of Saudi Arabia on America's Peaceful mission in Afghanistan to Morgan Spurlock
  2. How is the Obama NWO any different than the Bush/Cheney NWO? I haven't heard as much talk of any 'New World Order' in the media ever as much as the past 2 months, and with the clever uses of the words 'security' and 'prosperity' in the Presidential campaign, I really find it entertaining to watch it all fall so neatly together. Pulling out of Iraq but moving into Afhganistan, poised perfectly to move into Iran, Pakistan, and Russia... ...I didn't expect you to be such a sucker for a smile, guy. As far as the Kissinger vibe goes Blane, I've heard even him link Obama and the impending New World Order. Straight from the Horse's mouth. We're in for some interesting times in the next few years. Definitely not a time for me to join the military.
  3. I knew it was a cover all along. George *ISN'T* StrAIT
  4. I wonder what the real price of all those drugs was. Cops with drugs are like fishermen with a case of beer. I wonder how many pigs practice catch and release.
  5. Every soul, or the amount of soul we have collectively? I don't know about you, but I'm super bad.
  6. I would really like to be able to believe that Obama's New World Order will be a positive experience for all... oh well...
  7. Keeping in mind that the world revolves around economic interests, it's a lot safer to presume the 'new world order' doesn't have any interest of in ascending humanity as a whole above our current position.
  8. I think they're just trying to make sure their fans stay smart.
  9. If it's a meal with service, or I feel the staff deserves my support on a bigger bill between a number of people, then since it takes more effort, intention, and organization than a lunch or dinner special then the tip is on my mind. If I feel that I'm tipping just because I am expected to tip then no tip from me. That money'd have bad vibes. When a time comes that I have lots of spare cash, then I'll share my good fortune as much as I can. Until then, I don't concern myself with tipping rules. If I'm going out for lunch and the meal winds up being 8-10 bucks, I'm not going to go over a bill. If I make a special request that requires effort for my enjoyment then I tip 95% of the time That extra 5% generally gets me to go back to the business again. Take Out Tips come from change. Repeat Business and word of mouth referrals get service people more tips than following protocols. I tire of service etiquette easily.
  10. Redeye Empire - great catchy songs. Woulda been awesome to catch them with G Love.
  11. As far as that and the rest of your post, Hear Hear. Thanks for pointing out the 'they' in my earlier post, as well as the effect on the statement it was in. 'They' is one of the most powerful words in the arsenal of hate and contempt of entire groups of people. There's huge amounts of rhetoric being flung around, and though some could add that I haven't necessarily done all that I could to prevent it from building up, I'm trying to bring some things to light - if anything, through online discussion - that might help cut through blindness, even if that blindness is in response to some other ignorance. I hope my punctuation of this thread's title means something to people other than myself.
  12. from foreignpolicy.com Is it probable that Canada will become a world leader in conservation, environmental stewardship AND responsible aquaculture? I know that it's possible, but is there anyone making inroads in floating seawater tanks instead of pens (that breed parasites)?
  13. Your comment worked reeeeally well with BWM's comment (re: hamas elections) Though I realize that Ahmadinejad's caled Israel 'The Great Satan', so it's not like I think he ultimitely only has the best interests in mind, but he also doesn't hide his interests from the world. I often wonder about translating Arabic to English, as the phrases I read often seem to be easily misunderstood. It really does feel that every time I hear 'Allah' , it feels a lot like 'Jesus' while the concept of 'God' or 'Life' turns the phrasing on its head. It's really easy to paint Islamic Leaders with a 'crazy' brush, especially since many oppose Israel's existance and with good reason. It's really too bad that it's so easy for people to confuse Anti-Israel/Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism. It's pretty awful how it's so very for people to be tricked into thinking they're the same thing.
  14. You must be thinking about being IN the sub and taking it for a whirl. From that perspective - AWESOME. From the perspective of clever invention, I'm suprised they haven't been around for decades. "It boggles my mind that if this is what we know about what the fuÇk don't we know about." If it's worth knowing about you probably won't get to hear about it. Nikola Tesla comes to mind here. I wish I could turn my car on and run it by tuning in with my radio. He could. Stuff like THAT - awesome inventions, or clever home made ways to get around 'the man'?
  15. Doesn't seem like Palestineans really got a free and fair referendum, does it, BWM? That's different than an election. It's a specific question rather than an official that can be corrupted and outvoted. It's actually not anti-Israel, but it's anti-War Propaganda. The 'nonsensical' part of the video, Freak? To cut out a huge portion of an interview that incites the western world's contempt of Iran and its leader - while you believe that portion fully or not - is most certainly unjust.
  16. Which PMs have had 'real' relationships with American Presidents? They meet, they get along, they enjoy visits. Any buddies pre-term? Maybe he's not photogenic, but Stephen Harper doesn't really seem to be as cool as any other world leader. Is it just spin or is he as much of a bore as he comes across on TV and on the radio? He definitely lacks charisma from my point of view. I still cringe to believe that he's really our leader. Maybe a nice guy trying to do what he thinks is right, playing on Canada's craving for prudence, but the leader of one of the most powerful world nations? eww. Though from this outside perspective it's easy to presume that we could get far more accomplished for Canada, its citizens, and the world - I hope his plans work out as long as he's in office. To be fair, he does like kitties. I bet he's a big softie. I hope he's at least a really really nice guy aside from his politics. Lego-Man!!! holy fack. i think he even holds his hands like that.
  17. awesome. Though it couldn't have worked out, I entirely appreciate the help and the thought. Though this weekend might not pan out, which might be great anyway, I figured that I should at least try to make the efford to get to SoON.
  18. Hey! I'm trying to find my way to meet up with a good friend in Montreal this weekend (sat. afternoon to sunday morning) or get down to London for a visit and to make some music any time thereafter. Though I live south of the city I'm trying to figure out how to get into town to meet up with a ride. If anyone has room and is headed to montreal or London (and would let me in their car/truck/van) then I'm glad to have posted .r.
  19. Horny for being corny, The Unruly Yours Truly
  20. do you live in this bus or is it just a vacation getaway?
  21. It's like watching someone win a milkshake contest using her hands instead of a straw. ...and reeeally getting into it.
  22. Two bowling teams, one of all Blondes and one of all Brunettes, charter a double-Decker bus for a weekend trip to Louisiana. The Brunette team rode on the bottom of the bus, and the Blonde team rode on the top level. r> The Brunette team down below really whooped it up, having a great time, when one of them realized she hadn't heard anything from the Blondes upstairs. She decided to go up and investigate. When the Brunette reached the top, she found all the Blondes in fear, staring straight ahead at the road, clutching the seats in front of them with white knuckles. The brunette asked, 'What the heck's going on up here? We're having a great time downstairs!' One of the Blondes looked up at her, swallowed hard and whispered.. 'YEAH, BUT YOU'VE GOT A DRIVER!?!'
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