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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. So where's my cheap opium now that soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan? or do I have to buy the big pharma advil for that?
  2. I'd be disappointed in the human race if there were no secret societies. How could we really not be smart enough to fool ourselves?
  3. To not help when it's within our means, sights, and best interests is entirely ignorant of the potential of man, our affiliations, and our organizational ability. Call it socialism if you will, but I call it funding and support. As the Government is the centralization of wealth in this nation, innovation and direction cannot be left solely to the discretion of the Private Sector. There must be some way to bridge both polarized perspectives to come together and make a big fuzzy profit to alleviate our need for taxing citizens' incomes and purchases to compensate for tax evasion and creative accounting. Thanks for the reading material either way.
  4. Well folks, it's not hard to fathom that these people are related. If you do the research you as well are likely related to some important people. I'm related to royalty, Trudeau, Celine Dion, and many prominent businessmen and politicians from the past several hundred years. One of my ancestors was the first people to cast the plow from iron. The first person to be baptized in new france, Many of the people that built Quebec city, and even Abraham Martin who owned the land that the French were slaughtered on to change Quebec from French rule to British. Even after all of that, I'm still most impressed by my ancestor town owner who coined a saying by painting his town Democrat Red when a local democrat beat out the deeply seeded Republican. I guess that's why I always liked to have a reason to 'paint the town red' I think I'm probably related to a great number of people on this board to some degree, not that anyone would like to admit it. As far as the Atlantis theory, it's safe to say that the empire is still thriving. If you go to the Vatican you'll see many Egyptian looking statues and artifacts. In fact they are some of the largest statues there. Make it out to be reptilian if you care to, but a one-world-religion or NWO isn't really that unfathomable. It's pretty clever how we've been sold on globalization and any attempt for a nation state to be self-sufficient and on-their-own has resulted in them being labelled as a terrorist nation. While there are advantages to one big unified system, as it's probably best to look at the world as one big family, it's also something that can be entirely distractionary and unhealthy. I wouldn't want to have to cook thanksgiving dinner for EVERYBODY. I don't think I'd be able to buy enough potatoes.
  5. "Why can't Canadians shape their own vision and then demand it of our governments? " I don't know why Canadians can't but more often than not we don't and innovation is something that this country needs to be able to adapt to ever changing markets and technologies. Maybe the best first action isn't blindly infusing taxpayers' dollars into the system directly, but if we all told our representatives what we want to see changed from big to small, and what we'd like to see created, it would be a great start. Nobody can stave off a recession in a free market, but there's a huge potential for this to turn from crisis to opportunity. Perhaps we'll see this as a Crisitunity. The Conservatives might not be the worst thing for this country to have as a minority Government, but we'll see how the next 4 years turns out for the SPP and for Globalization & our role in it. Anticipating more sinister actions, We could fix a lot of our problems with large scale Hemp farming and alternative energy sources. Real high quality domestic biodiesel. Huge inroads in nutritious seed production and textiles. And if we were to build the wind and wave power generators that we could line out coasts with, we could supply North America with all the power it could use, filling our coffers and supply loads of manufacturing jobs. Can't get started in 2 weeks, but in a year or 2 we could get it done...probably for about $1.5 billion. And if it were kept as a crown corporation and not sold off and privatized then we could make money for years to come and mobilize a growing workforce of generator technicians. So the USA's trying to get clean coal technology started...but if we flood the grid with energy it will make their startup unnecessary and give Obama even more reason to develop non-coal technologies...perhaps even buy some of our CANDU reactors and use some of our geothermal technologies. Another incentive for us to support the innovation of alternative energy practices. cha-ching.
  6. That would be the Progressive Canadian Party. The vote for environment page gives strategic voters some good information to mull over... ...and if you're in a riding like mine (Leeds-Grenville) it'll tell you to vote for whoever you want to vote for - Which really should be how people vote anyway. That's the real essence of democracy and it's a shame that that's being diluted more and more instead of people making more of a difference when it's not election time. I'm not into voting against. I voted for. Gotta love advanced polls.
  7. Thanks, D! I am convinced that Harper will remain in power. I don't think it's going to really hurt us that badly when it comes down to it. We'll still wake up and take that first morning shit and emerge victorious like we did that day before. What might change is whether or not we can afford to eat breakfast. As it's really easy to point my finger and denounce government, it's not always the most important stance to get people to work together and genuinely improve our communities. It is going to come down to the non CPC side of the government appealing to everyone to get the jobs done. That means efficient and prudent spending and support that nobody can deny is both efficient and necessary. I believe that the next big shift in bringing support for special needs and community projects will have to come from the private sector and collective public of Canada, as a conservative mindset seems to leave us believing that philanthropy really only comes from anyone but the government. If there were some way for the Harper Government to give huge incentives or tax refunds to individuals, companies, and organizations to spur startup costs for charity, or to help improve the immediate world around us all, could it be seen as being helpful but not wasteful? Perhaps Government matching a pledge dollar for dollar? While there are certainly big business interests at the head of every major world government affiliate, would it not be better to use our energies to be optimistic or hopeful about how we could best conserve, support, and direct our good vibes? If so, we could all do our part to help solve the problems we'll face at home and in the news in the coming years. Perhaps the Natural Law Party had it right all along. And still, perhaps I'm trying to think of ways for the Right to not always be so wrong, and for the Left to not always be 'not quite right'
  8. how perfect PT's avatar is for that post.
  9. My problem with his speech was that he kept on bringing up a lie of a position that said the other parties were changing their platform to suit the evening and morning news. What a sour sound byte that did no more than direct the attention away from his rather empty plan. While it does take dedicated planing and unwaivering action to drive success, I didn't get much of an understanding of how Harper would create success in this country. Instead of merely trying to cull an entirely failing economy Harper failed to plan long term actions to cultivate success and growth. This polarizes what the other platforms seem to aim to accomplish. The lack of action years ago leading up to and including now have not come to fruition overnight although it feels like it now. Canadian Government and partisan politics have remained steadily malignant in their successes in fucking this country over. By not providing the support and opportunities for this country to be able to adapt to change quickly has left us in a state of crisis and leaving us to vote not to succeed but to vote in hopes of failing less in the short term. Perhaps we need this guy to win again for us to realize what we could have begun to accomplish while we still had the money to work with.
  10. Large Scale Private Sector in Canada is rarely groundbreaking or entorely foreward-thinking, so private sector is not a good idea. Unfortunately, national initiatives and crown corporations aren't run as fiscally prudent... ...As one of the 8 richest/most powerful nations in the world, money really shouldn't as much of an object as we're led to believe. With Canada's influence, I'm sure we could court private sector...perhaps Bombardier could be persuaded to get onboard. They make the fastest trains in the world...why not get into road logistics and intermodal shipping? Didn't Canada used to have some of the best shipyards in the world? Don't some Commonwealth countries boast the same? There must be a way to get this going. I wish I knew how so I didn't have to pose the suggestion on an internet messageboard to get people talking about it. (note to politicians and business people...if I'm/we're turning any gears for you, please remember I/we love to eat)
  11. If the proper steps are made to making logistics more efficient the difference in the weight of the bottles won't matter. Plastic is not good for flavour, taste, or long term recyclability. Glass is glass is glass. Plastic degenrates.
  12. It seems that some people change best under pressure and some people must be pressured to change. Of course shareholders will continue to enjoy making money. If we could ensure that the greed-based development and industrialization is the most highly fought and the more ethically and healthfully produced products and industries are made attractive to investors, this could change things around. While it wouldn't be the issue in the heart of big money, it would still be a change in a healthy direction. So the factories around the world making substandard product would find new developing economies to work with. Our model would have to change and it would take proper planning and deliberate understanding of the market forces and possibilities to ensure that Canada and its economy would not suffer. If established properly it would work incredibly well. Do you think that having a regionally and nationally sustainable economy and agricultural base would be positive? I do and while importing and exporting products is a huge part of our GNP, big dirty boats are of detriment to the world's air quality (and ocean health when the particulates fall to the sea) as is big tractor trailers. So here are a couple of options... ...If a Canadian Big truck Manufacturer started making diesel-generator powered Electric trucks that were plug in hybrids (charging stations/rest stops...to help the trucks get going) then we would not only solve a need for green technology, but would give the Manufacturing sector a huge potential for high end jobs. We would increase the noise pollution and air pollution drastically in major urban centres and along arterial highways, and have a potential to sell a high end idea for a high end price. The world changed with steam ships. To be a world leader in clean fuel carrier shipbuilding and retrofitting, we could help our ailing maritime economies be less dependant on oil production and fisheries for big money. We could also be a world leader in nuclear powered ships, as fuel can be recycled almost indefinitely. Canadian Nuclear technology is the best in the world. Touchy subject, but this could be a great move. As well, giant industrial sails help alleviate the stress on a ship's engine and fuel reserves. Imagine a giant kite/parachute/sail on all (or more) large ships. If Canada would reward companies that used eco friendly techniques, or punish anyone but, we could have an opportunity to lower our connection to tangible unethical business practice. That's right...nuclear power in an Environmental Thread.
  13. I really like Dion and he was the most refreshing breath of hot air there. I thought he handled himself. While I still believe the Green tax shift is better, I was impressed by Dion's communication skills the most. Harper looked like he was speaking to the table most of the night. He's not Blind. He looked like Jeff Healey.
  14. Push come to shove, he could probably get a good Barista job somewhere...
  15. I read this on that pissed consumer website. all representatives are instructed never to finalize the sale of any product unless the client fully understands what they are purchasing and also never to try to get a client to purchase anything if it's not in their best interest or if it won't save them money somehow. That is the company's policy. This is a legitimate company with a great reputation from the Better Business Bureau and is backed by success story after success story over many years. Thousands of people have positively changed the direction that their lives were going and are living better lives and are able to take care of their families in ways that they never thought possible.
  16. most people are scared of pyramid schemes. Most of what I read and hear about Primerica is about the job side of it. I haven't ever heard anything about the services they offer. Anyone?
  17. "Popescu introduced himself with a public prayer, blaming environmental damage and economic unrest on the wickedness of society. His comments were met with silence as some students grimaced and shifted in their seats." In some ways it is true. If it was all peaches and cream we'd be taking care of everything.
  18. It takes a brave kind of God Fearing man to live in a Nickel Mine.
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