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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. and now it's Blues Traveller's "Most Peculiar"!
  2. streaming radio: 107.7 The Lake, Weathersfield Township, NY currently: John Fogerty "The Old Man Down The Road" what a great tune!
  3. Ozzy has no idea where he is or what an Ozzfest is.
  4. In an interview with Q Magazine years back, Liam Gallagher of Oasis once made a beautiful but otherwise unnoticed contribution to the English language: "cuntybollocks!" mad respect to Liam.
  5. your defeatist attitude isn't going to get you eaten out anytime soon. anything is possible.
  6. You're as beautiful today as the day your mother and I brought you home from the hospital. Shine on you crazy diamond.
  7. well that was a PM, and while I don't really mind it being posted, I do hope bradm doesn't react badly to the language I used within, responding to his post. He's entitled to his take on criticism. If I had gone public, I would have made my points a little more delicately. Respect to bradm.
  8. I'm ambivalent about Wassabi but I love the poster.
  9. right on Aaron. That was a great piece and I am totally sympathetic. Buddy Holly was an incredible talent and his music is still such a joy to listen to, so fresh and so timeless. Cheers to ya Buddy!
  10. I have. It's not like it just slips out in a pique of passing anger. It's the last in a long line of events that eventually led to me telling someone they can just fuck off. So, in that respect, no regrets.
  11. might I suggest any and all of the following: Ryan Adams, Lucinda Williams, Gomez, Guster, Broken Social Scene, Death Cab For Cutie, Justin Timberlake, The New Pornographers, Neko Case, Metric, Stars, Ray Lamontagne, the latest Greg Keelor cd, Sarah Harmer, James Hunter. all good, all waiting for your love and attention.
  12. and why do people bring their entire ugly brood of stupid children with them to the grocery store on a busy Saturday afternoon? Sorry if I just knocked into your precious miracle with my buggy and now she's having a crying fit but maybe you should keep an eye on your kids? At least the crying is stopping them from running laps in a crowded supermarket.
  13. Not wishing to perpetuate a sterotype but like most stereotypes - good and bad - there is usually a bit of truth to them. A similar thing happened to me last week at the Asian food mart on Locke St, while I was waiting my turn to buy some fish. Woman just literally steps between me and the counter - the whole 5 inches of space there - and starts ordering. I don't think I'll ever get used to that. The customers of that store will literally just walk right into you if you don't get out of the way, will jab you in the back of the knees with their shopping cart (in a store with ther tightest aisles in the world). I know it's different customs but I still find it rude. Wait your turn, like everyone else.
  14. not cranky at all, actually I'm in a great mood.
  15. Then why don't you head over to the JT message board then? because I have been a member of this board for over six years now and I'm not about to be told what to do by you just because you don't like what you read on a public message board. That's why. Trey sucks.
  16. Its not that its worthless' date=' it just aint worth what they want from you. [/quote'] I don't get it. We pay Trey Anastasio $50 a pop to hallcuinate on stage with a guitar around his neck, pissing in people's ears. He's certainly not gonna bring sexy back.
  17. no, actually it is worth pointing out because too many people just sweep aside "pop" music as though it's an inferior musical form, to be looked down on. It's as though the concept of "entertainment" is worthless.
  18. I really have reached a point in my life where I'd rather go see Justin Timberlake. I'm not kidding.
  19. the Toronto show also got good reviews. Dude's got talent, it's wrong to underestimate him. I bet he puts on quite a show.
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