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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. fair enough, but that would mean the difference between a Roger Waters show at a theatre and one at an arena. I know a lot of people hold that album in high regard (I don't hapen to be one of them) but, fourteen years after it's release, I'm not sure it's going to encourage people to pay $150 to see it and allow Waters to play to large crowds, and he knows that. What is a real shame is that still represents his latest album, aside from his opera, which would make Amused To Death seem like Thriller in comparisons of appeal.
  2. quick update: Police schedule tour rehearsals in Vancouver
  3. happy birthday Sara! Love ya! see you tonight!
  4. expect the setlist to be exctly the same this year, too. The ONLY change to his setlist - after 60 odd shows so far - has been the dropping of one song, "The Gunner's Dream". Otherwise, not a tune has changed or even been shifted out of regular order. Just giving you heads up!
  5. that's untrue, sorry. Sure, some pre-recorded effects have always been part & parcel with a live Floyd show - the heartbeats, radios, airplane sounds, pig grunts, etc. Often, drummer Nick Mason would play to a "click track" - a metronome-like device in his ear, so that the band could stay in synch with the films being projected and effects unfolding around them. If that's what you mean then yes, they always employed pre-recorded material into their shows (well at least from DSOTM on). But vocally, with Waters and Gilmour sharing duties, they sang their lines live. And that's the big difference here.
  6. for those interested, Waters will return to Canada this year for shows in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton. Probably sometime in June. Also a Darien Lake show to wind up his tour. Sorry no more info than that for now.
  7. I shall come and drink beer in your honour.
  8. [color:purple]Your problem, Brian, is you listen with your ears rather than your feet.
  9. I love me some haggis from time to time, but nothing beats a good 'ol Scottish breakfast. Eggs, bacon, square sausages, tomatoes, blood pudding (yum!) and mushrooms all fried together with the bread being fried up last, so as to soak up all the grease. I am proud of my people. (perhaps I should have posted this in the food section?)
  10. yeah Tim, AD, your rational logic and powers of deduction are really harshing my mellow.
  11. thanks. It was just a google search wasn't yielding anything and before I shar with anyone else..... you know how it goes. btw, what the f(ck happened to Robert Plant's face??? (check the photo on the article)
  12. phorbsie - where is that from?
  13. I get the feeling this tour isn't going to do as well as some may think.
  15. ....other than the sluggish tunes inbetween classic Weir rockers? most of which a drunken Weir now drives into the ground on a nightly basis with his casino act. Pathetic.
  16. Not for me! I've been on two dates with girls I met on myspace and they were both awkward and in NO way fun! The best one was with this pretentious artist from Guelph and we ran into my ex-girlfriend! Then we ran into a friend of mine that wanted to sell me some oxycotins and she was officially weirded out. I decided to take her to another bar' date=' a bar where I figured no one knew me. We walked in and security told me I'm banned from their bar from an incident I still can't recall! Best date ever! [/quote'] sounds like a nice night! Of course, you could have just met this girl anywhere, the myspace factor is merely incidental.
  17. myspace is fun but the thrill wears off soon enough. I guess if I was single it would be a dream come true. It is a good way to sample new music and to find some people you never thought you'd see in cyberspace. Clearly, my main issue is keeping it updated. I think it's been two months since I've updated the blog. If it's a chore, where's the fun? Having said that, I shall update it soon enough I s'pose.
  18. I expect big things from your myspace page there, Luke. BIG THINGS INDEED!
  19. it's just my opinion kc, I'm not baiting to a challenge.
  20. Deadheads were always known for their subtlety.
  21. Dime-a-dozen funk pap. Saw them once, that was enough thanks.
  22. and now I want to get you all baked before you do so.
  23. any white fish that is sturdy and meaty will do. We used tilapia, an all-purpose white fish that is at the right price. Just marinated it in lime juice mixed with coriander, cumin, cayenne and chili powders, s&p. Cook it up, chop it up into chunks and you have a delicious taco filling! If I was really on the ball I would have made a little slaw with white cabbage, shredded carrots and green onions - with a lime juice and oil dressing of course - to put on top but shredded lettuce and green onions had to do. No cheese on these please!
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