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Everything posted by bONES

  1. oh look...it`s snowing...AGAIN!
  2. I thought the Ratdog boys (Bobby & Mark Karan) were awesome up there. If anyone bugged me a little it was Jackie Greene..especially during Brown Eyed Women, it was kind of brutal :crazy:
  3. my cell is my only phone and I use it for my job..a LOT! my work pays me $50/month for my phone, so I am hoping to get it down to that much on my bill. I'm not sure I'll find any company that will allow me unlimited calls during the week and free on weekends all for $50/month thought I'd check to see if any of you had some sweet deal I was unaware of..thanks for replying
  4. I was thinking that I would, but for $20 to $25 bucks I'll have to think it over before I jump in!
  5. I've been with Telus for the last 7 years. My phones have always been crappy. Anytime I have wanted to upgrade to a better phone they try to charge me a $25 fee (which I fight and threaten to go elsewhere before they finally give in). My phone bills are at least $100/month (usually more). Anyway, I haven't had a contract with them since June/07 and I'm finally going to stop the procrastination and go with another company. I'd love a better phone, with better customer service and a bill that's cut in half. Any recommendations?
  6. someone get Bobby up here in Toronto or Hamilton the night before Royal Oak!
  7. he played a rockin show 2 nights ago..does that count!?
  8. bONES


    they sound good man..thanks for the heads up and you can't beat FREE, plus I like The Cameron House maybe you'll find some free time this weekend to hang out (mooose is back in town)
  9. bONES


    I was thinking about Flash Lightnin (seems fitting after the thunder) at The Dakota and actually asked YOU (in another thread) if you'd be in..haha
  10. bONES


    I was just about to post this too...crazy! thunder and snow too cool it's a messy night to be heading out in this, but I am tempted
  11. I LOVE the Fifth Estate I've been watching that show since I was a kid (as it was one of my folks favourite shows) lately I have been watching old episodes on the fifth estate website A couple of episodes I watched were from young guys from Ottawa that died mysteriously. One was on John Connelly A Knock on the Door and the other was on Eric Wilson Just Another Missing Kid very sad
  12. to all my Chinese friends (and those of you that celebrate the Lunar New Year) Year of the Rat let's hope RATdog make it back to TO in 2008 :thumbup:
  13. Wednesday Feb. 6th Flash Lightnin’ plays some lowdown southern boogie. Anyone in Toronto headed out to their show tonight? c-towns, KevO you guys up for it? It pays to teach at a (predominantly) Chinese college as I get tomorrow off for the New Year I might be up for heading out on a snowy night to drink a few pints!
  14. these may not be as short as you like them captain, but it's from the last time Bobby played Toronto (Halloween 2005)..were you and Baj there?
  15. Happy Birthday briguy :thumbup:
  16. weird..in this thread (Top Ten Bluesfest Picks) you listed Gogol Bordello...I guess you forgot what you like
  17. AWESOME Harold & Kumar are back in another HIGHly anticipated comedy in theatres April 25th!
  18. DSO should be headlining ok...go ahead MarcO
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