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Everything posted by bONES

  1. was that the year that CSN opened and they had the big fireworks display at the end of the show?
  2. you folks are just plain nuts well, except for Esau, I completely agree with the Samba choice
  3. anyone want to take the 1974 Wall of Sound Tour?
  4. Dark Star & China Doll? You're both joking right!? The ONLY dead songs I don't care for as much as the rest are Vince's Way To Go Home & Bobby's Picasso Moon, everything else is gold! And, yes that includes Corrina & Victim or the Crime (since I heard DSO do them)
  5. bONES

    photo forum

    there's a photo forum ? :crazy:
  6. It WILL happen this year Baj Hopefully by Labour Day weekend I'll be rockin' out with you & captainsunshine @ GratefulFest ! My waiver is in the works :thumbup:
  7. On to this show now... Dark Star Orchestra - Alpine Valley Music Theater on 2002-08-17 Acoustic: Dire Wolf Race Is On Jack A Roe Monkey and the Engineer Cumberland* Midnight Moonlight** She Belongs To Me* Cassidy Electric: Stranger Box Of Rain Bertha*** Good Times*** Passenger Uncle John> Drumz> Black Peter> Sugar Magnolia Encore: Brokedown Palace JamGrass Festival *with David Johnston on banjo **also with Peter Rowan on guitar and vocals (John on Mandolin) ***with Sam Bush on fiddle and Byron House on bass found here
  8. yup. wish it was on the other side of town though.
  9. did I really just waste 9 minutes of my life watching that? dang!
  10. Jam Cruise videos are up on iClips watch them here I'm Dancin' right now and wishin' i could have been on that boat!
  11. Dear Students I love teaching all of you about welding. Although I prefer the hands-on practical classes the best, this theory course is important for you all to have a good understanding of what to do when the shop classes begin. Please understand that with 42 of you in my class, I CAN"T please all of you all of the time. I try my best to address you individually and help you achieve your goals/desires while in the program. Recently I had emails from two of you who are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. One of you just wants to get in there and get dirty and start laying beads...understandable. The other doesn't care about the grade at the end of the course or ever intends to work as a welder, and just wants me to stick with the program, no questions & answers, no relating to my own experiences, let's read the books and leave it at that...fair enough. Just so you both understand the other 40 students fall somewhere in between. I hope I have addressed your concerns professionally and courteously. Thank you both for your honesty. See you all tonight! Oh, and dear work...thank you for paying me so well. It helps me deal with the stress of this job a little better.
  12. bONES

    Cooking Games

    I'm making some French Onion soup...yummmm! I haven't made it in a long time and thought I would look here in the foodeeze forum for some recipes/ideas, but didn't find anything. So, I did a google search to get some ideas of what ingredients other folks use in their soup. Anyway, on the CDKitchen website I discovered there are cooking games you can play. Thought I'd post the link here in case anyone wants to give some of them a go. I just played a crossword while waiting for my onions to caramelize. Anyway, here's the link
  13. meh I watched and I still can't get into that band I found it pretty boring really oh well, can't say I didn't give them another chance just not my bag
  14. bONES


    don't let the name (fruit) fool ya it's more of a vegetable than a fruit you don't eat them raw
  15. not this year from what i'm reading on the DSO message board Robby Bobby (Rob Eaton) said: gives me more time for the damn waiver to come through read about it here
  16. all soups and stews are better the next day. it's in the laws of physics. curries too I find! mmmmm...curry
  17. bONES


    dude! I bet they eat breadfruit in Belize. I spent 5 months in Jamaica in `91 and cooked most of my own food on an open campfire. There are different ways you can prepare it, but my favourite way was to toss it in the hot coals as is and let it cook until it was black. Scrape the black shit off when it is done, cut it open and top with butter, salt & pepper. It tastes like baked potato only way better! I think I may have success if I check out some West Indian shops/markets, but Asian markets may sell it as well. You should try it if you can find it in O-town It's delicious! here's some recipes I found by doing a google search
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