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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. I disagree with Jane Stevenson's take on how the Neon Bible songs play out live. They easily blend in with the Funeral songs and are sonically better live than on album, as they should be.
  2. I liked them so much, I bought their new album.
  3. The show was fantastic from top to bottom. Easily in my Top 10 concerts ever. The sold-out crowd packing Massey Hall was enthralled and really energetic and loud for the 90 minute set complete with two honestly earned encores. I may write a real review of tonight's gig tomorrow, but for now, Arcade Fire are a tough act to beat in concert or even on record.
  4. I meant that they've had a lot of first basemen that have either played great for the Jays or went on to greater things elsewhere. Cecil was decent with the glove and no virtually no first basemen can run.
  5. George wasn't known as a DH, so Molitor would be a perfect sub on Dima's list. Ward had the best stuff in the Jays history coming out of the bullpen and was virtually unhittable, but his slider killed his career. Henke had more longevity so he gets my vote for closer, even though he drove me nuts. The Jays had some great first basemen. Crime Dog, Olerud, Fielder and Carlos. No one will ever touch that fucking puke Alomar talent-wise. He's the most dominant position player in team history, with respect to Delgado. Barfield is my right-fielder. Green has never lived up to his potential.
  6. Jack Morris is one of my starters.
  7. I can't wait for tomorrow's show. Anyone else going?
  8. I wish BradM's post was smaller so I could make it my new signature.
  9. And Rat, it's completely negligent of you to call The Beatles "Greatness a product of revisionistic history". The greatest artists of popular music are considered great for many reasons, one big one being their music transcends and continues to influence through generations. Elvis, The Beatles, Hendrix, The Who, The Kinks, The Stones, Miles Davis, James Brown, Frank Sinatra, Muddy Waters etc... all live up and exceed the hype and DO NOT suffer from the misused revisionist tag. You gotta research and learn about the different eras before you make narrow-minded statements.
  10. Oh yeah, The Beatles exceeded the hype, but imploded partly because of it.
  11. I wouldn't call The Beatles "The Greatest Rock Band". They were a pop band, and the best the world will ever see. Elvis? He's the King for many reasons, but he wasn't a songwriter, so he loses points. He was a bit of a sponge and a music kleptomaniac, however, his interpretations created a music revolution.
  12. And with The Who, they finish #3 in my books only because they, meaning Pete, was not very prolific when it came to studio album output or even in releasing great 70's albums - a time when they should have reached their creative zenith. Moon was a big part of their decline. So was the changing music landscape, something that Townshend and company failed to lead in and around 1974-78.
  13. There's a point when you have to try not comparing your personal favourite band to The Beatles. The Who is my favourite band (followed closely by The Allmans) and I believe that The Who were one of, if not the most important hard rock band of the 60's and 70's. However, even I know that The Beatles and The Stones kick their asses in the larger creative pop music scheme of things.
  14. The only thing softening this beating is the idiotic hilarity going on in the Diesel Dog/Beatles threads.
  15. I always respect your observations Paisely, although I think you softened some of DD's earlier post. Some people, including yours truly, took notice of this part of DD's post: "because it's (improv/jam) the only sincere form of music. All other music is somewhat contrived or pre-meditated resulting in a lack of truth.Without improv. how else could musicians like ourselves who have never played together and don't know each other manage to communicate? Truth is common ground."
  16. The Dead were pretty darn wealthy long before the 70's ended (and businessmen with many employees), even with the Mickey Hart/Courtney Love's father incident.
  17. I think you've nailed it somewhat BR by comparing Diesel Dog/Caution Jam to Jerry Garcia. No offense to either DD or CJ either. I've seen both live and had a good time both times. It's not a comparison, it's a lifestyle. The Dead=Caution Jam=Diesel Dog=etc. That "lifestyle" was going down hill well before Jerry unfortunately met his maker.
  18. I think you've nailed it somewhat BR by comparing Diesel Dog/Caution Jam to Jerry Garcia. No offense to either DD or CJ either. I've seen both live and had a good time both times.
  19. This is from today's Rolling Stone. There's links to four songs. The early review ain't good... sorry about this Douglas, but hey, Velvet Revolver kicks major fucking ass. http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2007/05/08/leaked-guns-n-roses-chinese-democracy-tracks-make-us-long-for-whiskey-slash/
  20. No they shouldn't, however they are not a team built for endurance since they have almost no depth even in their once enviable outfield.
  21. They are quality, or they were recording wise even as recent as Steel Wheels. Rock & Roll doesn't age well.
  22. So will I. BTW, the Stripes have some of the best concert posters out there today. Very stylish and some become collectors items not long after the tour.
  23. No Dave, I was just making an extreme generalization to an asinine comment by DieselDog.
  24. As always, I wish Luke the best.
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