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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Phone the venue. If and when you get through, they'll give you far superior seats than offered at Ticketmaster, plus the venue in question will have a set amount of seats set aside for phone-ins.
  2. Great photos. To the people that are friends with Pat Brennan. In certain photos, I've often thought that Television leader Tom Verlaine looks a little like Pat, like in this CBGB photo:
  3. I'm planning on seeing it again too.
  4. Not to get on an urban sprawl tangent, but Hespler Road was recently voted as one of the ugliest roads in Ontario. It has totally ruined lovely Gault, the place where I got married last year. The sad thing is, no one in the area seems to care about the effects of Hespler sprawl on the downtown cores of the three towns making up Cambridge.
  5. You can purchase two-for-one tickets from Monday to Wednesday. Also, the small draft price on Wednesday is $2.60 - Steam Whistle. The show is produced to look authentically low-budget, which essentially means it resembles the set of the original movie.
  6. I went to Evil Dead: The Musical on Wednesday night at the Diesel Playhouse (formally Second City) in Toronto. This production has moved back from NYC to Toronto - the place where it was spawned back in 2004. I'm a huge fan of all three Evil Dead films and have wanted to see this live theatrical project for a couple of years. EDTM had a good run on Off-Broadway in NYC which was met by praise by critics and fans alike. So, does it live up to the buzz and hype? Well, yes it does. The cast is excellent and Ryan Ward makes a terrific Ash/Bruce Campbell, especially when he's covered in blood weilding a chainsaw and sawed-off shotgun. The musical merges both Evil Dead and Evil Dead II since they are basically the same film and they cleverly combine the characters from both - the addition of the character Jake (the truck driver) from Evil Dead II is a scene-stealer in Act II. The dialogue is funny, the songs are memorable and choregraphy is excellent. There is no lull in the production either. Also, you don't have to be a fan of the Sam Raimi films to like this musical, but it certainly helps. There are lots of in-jokes that fans of these cult films and in particular, B-movie legend Bruce Campbell, would get, but no matter. It's a fun night out. BEWARE: The first three rows are in the "splatter zone", but the producers wisely provide the audience with raincoats. I nearly got hit with gushing blood from a severed head. Their website is well worth checking out: http://www.evildeadthemusical.com/toronto/
  7. ^ I thought you'd like to be Dan in Night Court?
  8. If, and this is a big if, he moves the team to the Cambridge area, I hope to god the arena isn't built on or near Hespler Road. It's one of the most appallingly ugly roads that I've ever seen.
  9. I would have pegged you as George Takei's towel-boy... in both Heroes and Star Trek.
  10. Animal, especially because his character was modelled after my favourite rock star.
  11. why not? is it the cost? do you pay for cable tv? same thing' date=' in my mind. i have no doubt that if someone gave you a sirius radio for free for a year, you'd end up loving it. [/quote'] I'd only subscribe if all talk radio including the CBC went over to Sirius. I don't listen to music to the degree that most on this website do. Talk radio, especially sports radio with a Canadian slant, is what I turn on every day.
  12. Is this a Rolling Stone feature or just some guys blog? I don't know that it matters. Laziness abounds.
  13. I don't subscribe and won't. I mentioned "raunch" believing he's gone that way since he left commercial radio.
  14. RS had some of the greatest music critics throughout the 60's reaching even into the 80's. What's left now is only David Fricke. He's no Greil Marcus or even Dave Marsh, but he's the only one left worth reading.
  15. I used to listen religiously to his show when it was on Q107 and a Buffalo station. Does he still do a news segment, or is it all raunch?
  16. I think the satellite movers and shakers got ahead of themselves, believing their product would immediately destroy regular commercial radio. It has not. Stern's program is a success, but others are not.
  17. They merged with their rival after only a couple of years. Neither service was turning a profit. Giving Stern a monster deal ensured gave satellite radio immediate credibility, but it also put them in a hole profit-wise. I think SIRIUS will make it, but it may take awhile.
  18. Both HD Bell and Rogers HD have their advantages and disadvantages. I believe Rogers offers the most HD channels. Bell's signal is reported to be clearer, although I can't confirm that. I believe the packages are better on Rogers. If it rains, you may get disruptions on Bell because it is a dish.
  19. Do they offer RDS as part of their package in Ottawa? Please research this for me and let me know. I want to make the HD jump in the fall but I dont know how I can do that if I have to give up every Habs game being aired on good ole RDS. Thanks in advance. Signed' date=' Lazy Fuck[/quote'] It isn't an either/or thing. You'll still get the RDS digital channel and if RDS is progressive, they'll have an HD channel as well.
  20. Marketing tool or not, the jury is still out on the longevity of SIRIUS.
  21. All of that Ollie and much much more. For example, Citytv broadcasts their news in HD. They had to buy 50 HD-convertable cameras as well as build a new control room. The control room itself cost over 2 million. Converting to HD is very expensive plus you need a CRTC license. Sun and Omni probably got approval so they went ahead and put anything on their HD channel, even though most of their programming has not been upconverted to HD. The Score went HD internally for the first time during the Raptors playoff run. I must say that Rogers has a pretty good HD package.
  22. I think some analog stations like local cable will fold. You are correct Ollie. I got ahead of myself once again. You won't notice too much difference with digital vs analog on good old tube-oriented TV. However, I don't think we are that many years away from major networks like ABC switching to HD exclusively or other channels being offered only in HD. We see that now with the generally good HDNET.
  23. What's the source for the torrents? If they are taken from a TV station signal' date=' then it's all the same.[/quote'] Not when some nerd takes the time to cut out the commercials for you. Then the content will still be chopped as well in the future, unless the torrents are taken from a DVD or network source.
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