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Everything posted by MoMack

  1. ps. don't quit trying - I've had tickets show up an hour after being sold out. A day after being sold out and right up until show time.
  2. There are a couple people that have already bugged me **cough, basher** But for sure I'll be looking here first if it doesn't happen. I figure a well placed note and a good excuse. I mean, hell, I can notarize it if I have to, I'm a lawyer! And it always worked when I went to Dead shows and photocopies my mom's credit card... Maybe I'll get Kanada Kev to ask his buddy what the policy is. Plus, I actually do want to go.
  3. How strict you think they'll be with me having to pick them up at willcall? I'm still a little on the fence about going - but figured when I didn't get tickets the decision would be made for me. oops
  4. elemeno - pm me your phone number, I'm trying again...
  5. Thank you for purchasing tickets on Ticketmaster. Your order number for this purchase is 29-37420/NY2. You will receive your tickets via: Canadian Will Call-Tickets held at Will Call can only be retrieved by the cardholder with original credit card of purchase and a valid photo ID with signature such as a government issued ID, driver's license or passport. NOTE: Will Call is NOT available for domestic or United States addresses. Will Call orders place by customers with U.S. addresses are subject to cancellation. You purchased 2 tickets to: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phish - 3 Day Event Package Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA Multiple Dates and Times Order for: Morgan MacDonald Seat location: section GENADM Total Charge: US $354.00 Thanks again for using Ticketmaster The bidding starts at $777/ticket - only one for sale and you must also fly me down to Hampton, supply the hotel, a tank and hookers
  6. I'm going for the post-first-coffee, pre-second coffee dump before onsale. Think I've got time?
  7. Got one number each in 2 of my lines and nothing in the encore this week.
  8. It violates scalper's rights under NAFTA.
  9. Driver's licence isn't enough without a birth certificate. A driver's licence doesn't speak to immigration/citizenship. ie. anybody can get an Ontario Driver's licence whether a permanent resident/citizen or not. I have been with people that made it over with just the D.L. but that was then...
  10. No. Wouldn't be any different. And not trying to blame anyone (phish hates Canada now because Trey can't get in) for not getting tickets. I just think scalping is wrong. I think its even more wrong when its done by people within the community (ref: my St. Stephen comments in voteforenvironment thread). Doesn't mean people won't pay it. Just means I believe in the inherent goodness of wookies and undercover wookies and that it absolutely sucks that of the "over a hundred thousand" that want to go, it wouldn't surprise me if half have no intention of going but see it as a jackpot.
  11. Thank God! I knew I had some support for the anti-scalping world out there. I should even throw a big shout out since the last Phish shows I saw were just post-hiatus, when tickets were hard as fuck to get and my good man Second Tube hooked me up at face value. ...ahh, the good old days! (and just so it doesn't look like I'm getting into this other argument, or taking sides or anything - I've gotten 3 rows from Basher for face too!) And since I'm here and have been all over the board with my morality and ethics, or lack thereof, lately - I would be surprised if there was an unscrupulous and sanctioned hold back by Ticketmaster. Although I wouldn't be surprised if there were employees that knew how to work the system. And I also wouldn't be surprised if there was an above board hold back by TM -ie. music today gets 3000 tickets, then we get 1000 for our ticketscalping arm and this is given the okay by the band, or at least their management. just my $.02
  12. They're sending a limo to bring you to rehearsals with champagne and cavier. You got the gold ticket in the wonka bar.
  13. Anyone know if I'll have more luck at work with a T1 (or whatever its called) then at home with Rogers highspeed?
  14. That helps. Might be dooable now.
  15. I'm curious as to whether people would support Rae given that he's an NDPer gone to pitch for the winning team. I know they do in his riding, which has always been liberal. But would the rest of the counrty give him the keys to 24 sussex?
  16. Specious reasoning at best. First, I admit I don't know the definition of specious and only have one browser open, so dictionary.com isn't an option. Also, it may have taken an Liberal/NDP coallition, but if you actually look at how many conservative seats were won by a margin of less votes than the Greens got I think you'll find support for my argument. I didn't go through teh seats 1x1, but I had a look through and counted quite a few. If it were as many as 16 that went to the Liberals or NDP then it would have been possible... (depending on independents too I guess). Our system sucks.
  17. That was a stupid move on her part. Green's infuriate you but that doesn't mean they infuriate everybody. Perhaps some people believe they want something different. At least the Green's are a true national party that runs candidates in every riding. Perhaps some are tired of what is our basically 2 party system. Really the only true way this country can work is based on some sort of representational government. In our riding the Green Candidate came in a solid second with 27% of the vote. That may piss you off but I think its great that there are that many people in our area who are looking for something different. Politics is fun isn't it. The Green's energy would be better spent working within one of the other parties to push them towards their view. Its been done in the past. And to say they are a true national party is bogus. Most of their candidates were not running for election but instead simply volunteer to put their names on the ballot. They did not "campaign" but instead simply used up media time and debate time from the other candidates (and used up their votes). I admit that this may not have been true in all ridings, but it is true in most. Hell, half of their candidates are older than McCain! Green Party = conservative minority. Way to stand up for the environment Greens!
  18. So we're screwed as Canadians I guess then. I mean seriously, 3 shows go on sale at one time through Ticketmaster. What am I going to do? The chances of getting all three are out there. Even if there are two of us it *might* mean we could pull 2 nights. Not likely. If I go through the process and get 1 of the 3 nights I can't transfer the tickets to anyone. Not going to find tickets there. This is so stupid. Unless somehow ticketmaster is set up so you buy all three nights. WHich is what they should really be doing to discourage people from going without 3 nights of tickets...
  19. ps. there were a lot of close ridings that could have went to someone other than Harper if it wasn't for the Greens. ugh.
  20. Because the Bloc have one of the best platforms going and would garner an aweful lot of support outside Quebec but for the seperatism. Why would anyone outside Alberta/Saskatchewan want to see Stephen Harper. period.
  21. First, I'm not a Liberal. But second, I can't see either Bob or Michael winning. Michael is a pompus ass. And Bob is an NDPer (although I suppose Justin'd dad was too, and it worked out for him in the Liberal party didn't it? And I guess, I should also point out that most NDPers wouldn't consider Bob and NDPer...) Personally, I think the system really needs to change. I'd like to see a more european system. POssibly proportional representation with more parties and coallition gov'ts. We've got the Liberals NDP Bloc and Green on the Left. The Conservatives and Liberals on the Right. Split the Conservatives up to the Tories, Reform etc. Get used to minority gov'ts and make them govern in the interest of Canada. Or we could just spend millions on useless elections that don't change anything every two years...
  22. Additional Information: Doors: 6:00PM All tickets will be delivered via UPS 2 weeks prior to show date. PO Box addresses will be delivered via USPS Priority Mail. UPS/Priority Mail charge is $10.50 per order. Canadian and International orders will be held at will call. Will Call is not available for domestic or United States addresses. Will Call orders with US addresses will be canceled. All ages will require a ticket for admission. No name, address or credit card changes to completed transactions.
  23. Can't you get ticketfast tickets from ticketmaster? where/why do you have to do will call?
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