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Rob Not Bob

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Everything posted by Rob Not Bob

  1. Looks like I chose a stinker, sorry guys I can think of one glaringly obvious choice that hasn't made it ...
  2. I saw Terry Ted play with Marco Minneman and Chad Wackerman ... his kit was roughly the size of our apartment.
  3. Ummm, is she talking about the same city I live in? For that matter, the same Rideau street? Torontonians, does Ottawa really look like that when you visit?
  4. Ummmm, no ... it's Rock Star : INXS
  5. Thing that made me laugh : audience consistently screwing up the "Give Up The Funk" chant even after the show.
  6. No Michael Hampton was a bit disappointing, I've got loads of live stuff of theirs but loved this time just being here. "Please note that even lower rated albums still rate highly when compared with unfunk."
  7. Yet again, I see a band for the first time and think it is great, then people who have seen them before tell me it is a terrible show
  8. First moe. experience and it was great, hoping I get a chance to see a proper show in the not too distant future.
  9. I think Gary Shider was 7 months pregnant ... No Michael Hampton but apart from that no complaints, awesome show for me to lose my P-Funk cherry. They played mostly stuff I knew pretty well ... where's my heady setlist?
  10. Video screen being off actively annoyed me ... camera work for Van was a lot better, although sometimes they weren't too clear on who was soloing.
  11. Side note for the lawn chair debate : at this point the show had been over for about 15 minutes and said bint was still in her chair and making no display of leaving any time soon.
  12. According to Fiona, this is illegal ... tips are considered income and employers have no right to it.
  13. Funny, you'd figure if it was the one time of year they went out to see live music that they would want to , you know, *listen* to it.
  14. If true, I call shenanigans on that. I'm getting my broom ...
  15. Mea culpa ... I did bring a chair because I've been having hip problems lately. The moment the show started, not only did I stand up but I collapsed my chair and put it away.
  16. Bob and Band great, audience waaaaay bad. I didn't mind the thicket of tall heads a few spaces ahead of me because the eventually cleared and were at least into the music and did eventually clear. The guy standing behind me smoking a series of huge stinky cigars was pretty annoying. But the worst thing was that I ended up being surrounded by a constant stream of bloody teenagers (meaning early to mid 20s *cough wheeze*) who spent the whole show taking pictures of the stage or , more often, each other and going yap yap yap yap to each other or into their cellphones. I could barely refrain from shouting "Do you people even like Bob Dylan? And if not, why the crap are you here?" Oh, and after the show I was making my way through the crowd, and some middle age bint in a lawn chair was saying in a smug voice, "I came in with very low expectations ... and they were just barely met." So I emptied my water bottle over her head (in my mind, which I reckon was much more satisfying than it would have been in real life.) Band smoked, loved the arrangements ... like the night before, setlist wasn't particularly adventurous, apart from stuff on Modern Times there weren't any songs that you wouldn't find on any well thought out Best Of compilation, but the performances were hot.
  17. Didn't they already make American Pie 2? Is this an actually theatrical production or another crappy straight to DVD spin off?
  18. "No one heals me like you do ..." Oh, sorry, wrong "London Rain"
  19. Will be there rain or ... more rain.
  20. #251. Songs using feedback 1. The Mothers Of Invention - Weasels Ripped My Flesh 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  21. Legendary Nashville musician, played on a number of sessions for Elvis Presley, sadly will be remembered for Yackity Sax.
  22. Wow, didn't even know they were touring Canada.
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