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Everything posted by Blurry

  1. Ya good one Rubberdinghy. I couldn't place where I thought I knew that guy from. SNL......of course!
  2. Happy bday Livingstoned! Good luck with your high jump training - I heard you were going for the 2012 Olympics in London. Is that true? (you should ask backbacon if you can use his helmet - I know training can be very dangerous!)
  3. Blurry


    Tigger - first rule of hanging out with carrgo. He punches whomever he wants, whenever he wants ;^) Dancingbear - you don't even want to know what I did in your apt when Mud wasn't there ;^)
  4. Blurry


    great read Velvet, thanks!! I got arrested at Penn State U on the way to the Allmans/Beacon in 2000. Apparently they don't like naked people running around their streets!?!?!
  5. Way to go basher!! The way I see it, when you quit smoking you free up more mouth time for doobies. ---------------------- Mousepad.....is that one of your photos? Beautiful! Love the clouds in the side mirrors!
  6. Sounds like someone needs switch to BK's Angry Burger.
  7. Blurry


    Great seeing all of y'all. Great music! Edger - we certainly missed you! Hope Rowan is doing better!
  8. Blurry


    Check your PMs Can someone PM me his regular email addy? Thanks.
  9. I have a BNL story.........I sang with them. Well, that may be a bit misleading but I did sing with them. When I worked on the Maple Leafs game crew the "O' Canada" singers and intermission "guests" used to share the room with us. So we were all hanging out in the room pre-game and BNL started practicing "O' Canada".....I joined in.
  10. Blurry


    Spank the Lanc.......in.
  11. Yeah, I saw they were playing here in Owen Sound on Thursday. The Queens Bush Bluegrass Club puts on a show a month (excluding summer).....but the last 2 I've been too were disappointing. Some bluegrass and lots of country masked as bluegrass. I don't like country especially when they try to pass it off as bluegrass. So, it's good to hear that Lost and Found are good. A few of the oldtimers I jam with are in the opening band - Bluegrass Edition. They won the "Most Promising Group" award at the bluegrass awards in Huntsville in November.....good bunch of guys.
  12. I heard the after party was on Tonin's front lawn..........can anybody confirm or deny?
  13. Hey basher, Do your special priveleges work with tickets from London? or just Massie? I'd love to catch Willy. He was at Hookahville a bunch of years ago. I heard the show from where I was laying all puddled out by our campsite but I couldn't manage to get up and go see. Yes, I hang my head in shame.
  14. All that I want is some Ike All that I need is Doug All that you give is Ryan All of this is Ricky Neu
  15. I thought this was funny.........so ecstasy leads to alcohol, tobacco and cannabis"? Well it's confirmed! I've been living my life backwards!
  16. No don't have anything other than stuff from when he played with Bill Monroe - I'd love to hear it. I read once he was one of Garcia's main influences (on banjo).
  17. Sounds like Garth a la Watkins Glen/Chestfever!
  18. Mark Tonin................will fucking kill you!
  19. Wow! Great poster......are making any prints of this Chris? Classic!
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