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Everything posted by tigger

  1. Shall be fun to be had ,wouldn't be surprised if some shape of K.W. is there again also.
  2. Damn great day to you Marge larger than life and one that makes it that much better.
  3. Cornmeal has some crazy energy , love seeing these guys glad to hear loads of fun were to be had.
  4. My whole family lives in Tobermory does that count.
  5. tigger

    Dr. Dog

    Not sure if this is up on another post . DR.Dog Sat April 4, 2009 Toronto, Ontario Lee's Palace 11:15 pm/$13.50/$15.00/19+ w/ Cave Singers and Golden Boots
  6. Are these guys a punk pop band from Orange County?
  7. Don't worry Scott or Pei Punk the West Coast tour for Phish will be coming maybe you can make one of those , Vegas maybe.
  8. There Bonneville type shows really remind me of Tom Waits ,and I think they are on an upcoming tour with Les Clayepool.
  9. Q.A. at virgin must be in the E.I. line by now.
  10. Sorry to hear about the problems the two different strikes have caused certain individuals on the Board. I support organized labour and there right to strike. I feel that almost most times strikes could be adverted and rarely is it job class issues. I feel that Mangement for the most part is shady whether it is government or Private Sector. i don't think Government can just start odering every labour group back to work or somehow making them Essential Services. Also how much is being saved for ther Budgets with these Strikes continuing?
  11. I will gladly take 2 for P.A. if anyone has them.
  12. You can camp there, did something change?
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