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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. 'A cat has received a jury duty summons after his owner put his name on the pets section of a census form. Tabby Sal has been called to sit in judgement at a US court, even though owner Anna Esposito filed for his disqualification on the grounds he was 'unable to speak and understand English'. Bizarrely, officials denied the request, meaning Sal and Mrs Esposito may have to attend a Boston court on March 23. The cat is currently searching for a get-out 'claws'. The bemused owner said: 'When they ask him guilty or not guilty, what's he supposed to say - meow?' A U.S judicial branch website states that 'jurors are not expected to speak perfect English' - Metro.
  2. damn, you beat me to it, c-towns!!!
  3. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?fid/11/tid/41968
  4. and included Dead Man Shat ta boot
  5. Uh oh, I don't see it here! Maybe there's some items that they werve that aren't on that menu...
  6. Damn and I was right near there a couple of weeks ago!
  7. can I give you $40 to unload something on me on a 401 offramp?
  8. 'A hair transplant patient had a swear word branded on his bonce for 19 YEARS without knowing. Darren Hope, 40, finally found "WANKER" on his scalp when he shaved his head. A surgeon left the two-inch capital letters across the back of his nut by removing tiny hair roots. But the word was hidden by the new locks he implanted. Single Darren was a balding 21-year-old when he had the £7,000 Gordon Ramsay-style op at a London clinic. He recently changed to a short hairstyle - and pals saw the word when he took his cap off while playing cricket. Darren, of Nuneaton, Warks, said: "It is about five inches long - I can't believe I never knew. I'd love to sue the surgeon but the clinic has closed down." The electrician, who has been told the word cannot be removed, said: "I'll have to keep my hair long" - The Sun
  9. maybe throwing clumps of it at the crowd, swearing at them and grabbing his crotch
  10. http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2011/01/13/f-rfa-macdonald.html
  11. Am I going to have to give the bundle of sticks I keep in the shed a new name now?
  12. 'sassy lady' has a nice ring to it!
  13. He does flash the crazy eyes from time to time, Smith
  14. I heard they're going to hide the tanks under a case of Kinder Eggs... wait
  15. A Swiss village has found a drastic way to compel dog owners to pay their pet's annual tax: Cough up, or the dog gets it, Associated Press reports. "Reconvilier - population 2,245 humans, 280 dogs - plans to put Fido on notice if its owner doesn't pay the annual $50 tax. Local official Pierre-Alain Nemitz says the move is part of an effort to reclaim hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid fines. He says a law from 1904 allows the village to kill dogs if [their] owners do not pay the canine charge." He said the authorities have received death threats.
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