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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. CatPhish and I are going to have a Gary Busey retrospective marathon. I'm pretty fecking stoked
  2. I'd rather eat Pizza Hut wings, myself
  3. LAS VEGAS, Dec. 15, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Rael, founder and leader of the International Raelian Movement, has awarded the title of Honorary Guide to Julian Assange, founder and leader of Wikileaks. "Julian Assange needs our energy and support so he can continue to destroy the myth of honest political leaders," Rael declared in a recent speech given in Japan, where Raelians had gathered to celebrate the 37th anniversary of Rael's encounter with the extraterrestrial scientists who created life on earth. (See excerpts of Rael's speech at ) Rael also praised the avalanche of support Assange received from both the anonymous public and prominent critics of government deception, including Michael Moore. "Revolution has reached the Internet," Rael said. "People are revolted by the superpowers' dictatorial attempt to silence those who love the truth and reveal lies of the governments, so those people are now taking charge in accordance with the words 'We the People'." He added, "This is a very good sign that the younger generation isn't ready to be silent sheep but instead is ready to fight for freedom of the Internet, the last and only free media not controlled by the superpowers and multinational companies trying to make the whole world population a mass of consumers and taxpayers who never question them." Like Assange, who says he will remain true to his ideals, Rael reaffirmed on this 37th anniversary his mission to change the world, asking Raelians to keep the 'laughter revolution'. "I hope that thousands of Raelians will attend political meetings and the public speeches of their prime minister, and that when the politicians start to say things like 'we will build a strong nation', that everybody will laugh. Laughing is the best answer for stupidity," Rael said. "Assange is in prison like Nelson Mandela was, but I am sure he is laughing as he knows he cannot stay there a long time," Rael concluded. "Let's send him our energy so he can keep championing freedom of speech and keep embarrassing those who pretend to take care of the interests of their people."
  4. Best name in Europe today? Ricky van Wolfswinkel
  5. "An aquarium in Finland has found an environmentally friendly way of powering its Christmas lights - by electric eel," Orange.co.uk/news reports. "Electric eels can produce 650 volts of electricity, enough to light a tree and a few extra [bulbs] - or kill a fully grown man. Markus Dernjatin, from the Helsinki Sea Life Centre in Finland, explained: 'We wanted to conserve energy so we looked around for ways to be more green. Then it struck us that we have a free source of natural electricity right here in our tanks.'"
  6. ...and speaking of Blackburn 'Sam Allardyce's sacking by Blackburn is a bit like a fat girl having a one-night stand - they should have been grateful to be there at all but now wronged, they feel worthy of better' - the Evening Standard's James Olley.
  7. I'm praaaaaayyyyyying that the Maradona to Blackburn rumours come through
  8. That better come with a bag of zerk-like substance!
  9. Phosphorus and arsenic tolerant is cutely topical
  10. I love irony!!! But unfortunately I seem to be missing it here. What's ironic about this thread? You and KK are to this thread what Assange and Manning are to Cablegate, respectively
  11. I'm with booche on this one- try to imagine a type of boose you'd like to see the recipient drunk on. Tequila for Grandma? Sounds absurd but if it's a high-end one maybe not really all that absurd after all, and it'd probably make for a weird scene at the nursing home...bonus!
  12. Johann Hari in the Independent "Every one of us owes a debt to Julian Assange. Thanks to him, we now know that our governments are pursuing policies that place you and your family in considerably greater danger. Wikileaks has informed us they have secretly launched war on yet another Muslim country, sanctioned torture, kidnapped innocent people from the streets of free countries and intimidated the police into hushing it up, and covered up the killing of 15,000 civilians – five times the number killed on 9/11. Each one of these acts has increased the number of jihadis. We can only change these policies if we know about them – and Assange has given us the black-and-white proof." http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/johann-hari/johann-hari-this-case-must-not-obscure-what-wikileaks-has-told-us-2154109.html
  13. Whoa here's a comment below those two viceos that won't last "i m chinese, i saw wideo, i not notice he spoke rong."
  14. I'd recommend placing a life-sized cutout of Assange in your bunker for when push comes to shove, Brian. You're going to need some release.
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