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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. I heard it's also illegal to balance a paperclip on your nose while within 2 metres of a bus shelter
  2. "ATU local 279 acting president Mike Aldrich said he hadn't seen the video, but said it's illegal to film on a bus" pfffttt.... wtf is that about?
  3. Depends on how much jenkem you've huffed
  4. 'A convicted sex offender narrowly avoided being sent to prison yesterday after he admitted stroking ponies - despite a court ban. Retired farmworker David Chamberlin was barred from approaching tethered animals as part of an order after he admitted outraging public decency by committing a lewd act with a horse in 2009. The 72-year-old, of Hartington Road, Stockton, appeared before Teesside magistrates for sentencing after he pleaded guilty to six breaches of a sexual offences prevention order on various days in May last year. The court heard that he was also involved in a further breach after telling his case worker that a prostitute he was using brought a child in a pushchair to his home in October last year. He was found guilty of associating with someone under 18, despite not inviting the child into his home. Chamberlin's sentencing had been delayed for psychiatric reports' - The Northern Echo. "I find it very strange behaviour that any man would want to stick his penis in a horse's mouth, quite frankly...By being on bail for a long time, he seems to have moved on from horses to prostitutes which is not a particularly good development" - District Judge Kristina Harrison
  5. I've got one but I think it's not quite big enough (...if I had a nickel....) I'll measure it though and let you know
  6. India's answer to the chip nut (pretty pretty pretty spicey) mmmmm tastey nuts
  7. if i were to open a restaurant in the South i'd call it "Vittles"
  8. the people who were on that bus should do the reasonable thing and just go on Disco Biscuits tour for a few months
  9. poncey, yes but I'll take that over Tim Cahill's idiocy any day. Actually there are many others that are worse- top of my head: thumb sucking baby cradling stupid 'coreographed' dancing Jurgen Klinsmann in general and how could I forget
  10. that's a good point Thorg- you see kids lugging around huge loads of textbooks these days- can't be good for them, particularly (and ironically) the scrawny bookworm poindexters
  11. wtf was Valdez doing for that v.Persie goal though?!? terrrrrible goalkeeping
  12. all you naysayers just haven't listened to AF with the right mix of substances coursing through your brain. I find this works well though: 2 parts psilocybin 1 part peyote 3 parts Nyquil pint of rum smallish bag of zerk and a gas bong hit of salvia And don't forget the 3D glasses
  13. pretty sure ^that's Assparagus, actually
  14. Win Butler makes me want to fuddleywop myself silly
  15. I'm thinking of ordering 50 PH wings for lunch
  16. it didn't work for me when i checked about an hour ago
  17. I've heard that about your friends
  18. Sidebar- I have it on good authority that one Depends will hold an entire beer. Coincidence? perhaps.
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