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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. interesting manchester derby happenin questionable-ish pen call
  2. i would top it with big mac sauce
  3. You're as handsome as you are giggly, Schwa. Don't go changin
  4. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/255303/
  5. and Peyton will never inspire the name of as cool a character as this
  6. "The floor of a Weight Watchers clinic in Sweden collapsed beneath a group of 20 members of the weight-loss program who were gathered for a meeting," The Daily Telegraph reports. "As the dieters queued to see how many pounds they had shed, the floor beneath them in the clinic in Vaxjo, in south-central Sweden, began to rumble, according to a report in The Local, Sweden's English-language newspaper. 'We suddenly heard a huge thud: we almost thought it was an earthquake and everything flew up in the air. The floor collapsed in one corner of the room and along the walls,' one Weight Watchers participant told the Smalandsposten newspaper. . . . Luckily, all of the dieters escaped uninjured and managed to move the scales to the corridor, which was not damaged in the accident, and were able to complete their weekly weigh-in. The cause of the floor's collapse remains under investigation."
  7. this thread is turning into an ad for MBA programs
  8. Anvil is the correct answer
  9. this is what i was predicting with my new coke allusion [color:#cccccc]validate me
  10. now that's a tasty lookin burger
  11. silly when it's saturday buck sober when it's not smokin bod and pretty face ain't all this lady got
  12. You'll always see her smiling Never wears a frown Looks real good all gussied up or in a hospital gown
  13. Liquor makes her mouthy and onions make her gassy but really who don't like a cowgirl who's feelin warm and sassy?
  14. what do you guys go on strike every 3-4 years?
  15. May you do all you want to do and May your wishes all come true
  16. yup i quite liked it i can now tell you that i did something yesterday that i always try to avoid- i read a review/preview actually i started reading it then quickly realised why i tend to avoid these things. One person's treasure is another person's trash and no matter how many courses you've taken on TV appreciation, no matter how many hours you've spent watching comedy it doesn't make a lick of difference on whether or not our views on what's funny will align so fack you TV critics! To Reg!
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