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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. right back atcha buddy. unless you were referring to someone else, in which case gofuckyourself
  2. I wonder if my colleagues ever get peeved with me ending every discussion by sticking my finger in their faces and yelling, "Check.Mate!" naw
  3. As your attorney I would advise you to catch up to Esau. Please keep us posted. Have a great day, db
  4. I tried very hard to interpret that musically. Aloha' date=' Brad[/quote'] Same here. Especially since Burton is on my facebook & twitter, but he only types in caps. Like caps lock tuesday every day of the week– ::sigh::, the life of a rock and roll star...
  5. you do what all over your keyboard?!?!?!?
  6. "I've a mate who for the past three years has taken his pals to the USA for a golf tournament against American pals. They have had a great time - the golf was great and the lads got on well. They took the wives this year and it was a disaster. All the wives had an argument and I think it's been cancelled for next year." Harry Redknapp on why he's glad the WAGs won't be out in force at the World Cup.
  7. the french Bourbon Whopper commercial is totes
  8. [grover voice]ahhhhhhh our little delicate flower[/grover voice]
  9. I'm afraid you're going to have to show your work if you want partial marks ( :susel: )
  10. that'd explain the "rimmed with bbq sauce" part of it
  11. you must be thinking of Feb 15 Wilcqueaux Quebec
  12. Davey Boy 2.0


    Don't forget to add a squirt of
  13. I think what Booche is trying to say is, "Feel free to massage my gaps anytime, zero"
  14. ahhhh 'totally' reason enough to be a grumpy old man (grumps) ::reaches for key to desk drawer::
  15. or Nicole Brown'd her?!?!?!??? yikes
  16. this may be the reason I may or may not keep a bottle of Black Label in my desk drawer (the one that locks)
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