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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. beerz> vino> steak> champale> walk in the woods> coupla these (thanks scanks)> Catphish breaks out the strapon
  2. and what's all this about "driving home from watching football"?!?!? you might as well have said "driving home from a stag party" or "driving home from Duff Gardens" No wonder you were the surly!!!
  3. the Keri Kennedy Kristmas Kompilation from last year is good
  4. we bought it and I quite like it but I know that my folks, for instance, will grimace, guffaw and gripe
  5. I'm getting douche chills over here!
  6. nice try ollie, but you're going to have to suck up better than that
  7. [spoilerq:1]apologies[/spoilerq] [spoilera:1]Brah humbug said wook to custy in the parking lot 28 days i been touring and ticks is all i got sold some bunk acid to unsuspecting noobs but gave away the real stuff for a glance at this sorority chick's boobs and trolling over everywhere i managed to amass some schwill trading it all when boozed up for a little magic pill i thought it was kinda funny that it was blue, and not white when i crushed it up and snorted it my nose was quite a sight and every smell i smell makes blood rush to my head after several hours of this trick i wished that i was dead and now my face is red and sometimes purple too sneezing produces buckets of sticky salty goo but before i digress and gross you out too much i gotta ask you bro can you spare a coupla bucks?[/spoilera]
  8. mimosas>bacon>mimosas>gifts>caesars>snacks>beer>dinner+vino>scotch>DVD watching>beer>walk in the woods>beer>pass out
  9. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?!?!?
  10. it's certainly strange that this kind of thing has to be spurred on by legislation. any other country would work it out amongst themselves, the colleges under the NCAA kinda thing
  11. sexy watch, mon ami i hope for all tha ladies' sakes that you get it back
  12. i was hoping for a little more fucking and a little less weather but i guess i'm funny like that
  13. The Tiger Trojan condom– you're not out of the Woods yet!
  14. Someone asked me the other day; 'What's your pet hate?' I said, 'It doesn't really like things shoved up its ass.'
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