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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. late in to work & early to leave makes vacation days a real breeze coz that way you don't have to break the habit of waking up to an alarm clock & going batshit punctuality of course is the robber of time but you don't really care when you're sipping wine going to parties and leaving so soon coz sometimes it's hard to change your tune when your playroom beckons it's hard to resist (I'll take a vodka, just with a twist) counting your points and watching your weight can take precious time out of your busy day [color:#cccccc](apologies, Mike, just couldn't resist)
  2. Ode to Bouche Back in the summer of 2007 my mondays mornings were a slice of heaven and french class always meant a nap coz after lunch i never went back Fridays too i tippled a bit my office has a liquor store near it beer and wine and cheese til 5:00 good thing my wife was around to drive
  3. boo-urns ah well it was bound to happen sooner or later
  4. ^ that could've been posted 3 weeks ago Bitters on Sunday, look out
  5. oh well, y'know.... i thought i'd try a "and now for something completely different" tack
  6. I wuz more interested in the good doctor's friend's take
  7. Is there anyway of hooking a microphone up to it? "Stop tailgating" "here's one you might know" "We're stopping to get a burger now pholks"
  8. true, the spelling was off but it wuz a bizay day @ work
  9. some of us O-town folk are considering MacLarens, or possibly Pubwells if theyère showing it
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