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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. in related news I hear they're churning out these at a record rate
  2. naw, it's hard to find the original source. seems to be the going joke a quick BradM search
  3. Apologies if this is old hat The Somali pirates, renegade Somalis known for hijacking ships for ransom in the Gulf of Aden, are negotiating a purchase of Citigroup. The pirates would buy Citigroup with new debt and their existing cash stockpiles, earned from hijacking numerous ships, including most recently a $100 million Saudi Arabian oil tanker. The Somali pirates are offering up to $0.10 per share for Citigroup, pirate spokesman Sugule Ali said earlier today. The negotiations have entered the final stage, Ali said. â€You may not like our price, but we are not in the business of paying for things. Be happy we are in the mood to offer the shareholders anything,†said Ali. The pirates will finance part of the purchase by selling new Pirate Ransom Backed Securities. The PRBS’s are backed by the cash flows from future ransom payments from hijackings in the Gulf of Aden. Moody’s and S&P have already issued a AAA investment grade rating for the PRBS’s. Head pirate, Ubu Kalid Shandu, said “We need a bank so that we have a place to keep all of our ransom money. Thankfully, the dislocations in the capital markets have allowed us to purchase Citigroup at an attractive valuation and to take advantage of TARP capital to grow the business even faster.†Shandu added, “We don’t call ourselves pirates. We are coast guards and this will just allow us to guard our coasts better.â€
  4. my instinct for ^those situations is to head to HUrdman or wherever those buses start and get on there... you should in theory be able to get a seat to at least somewhat make up for the inconvience
  5. nope he's home sick after drinking Coffee Time coffee
  6. Jimmy Hill is offering 4-1 odds on Harry Redknapp replacing Roy Keane at the helm at Sunderland
  7. Dear OC Transpo, The other day I was late for work and scrambling to get on a bus, I was rifling through my pockets for change after getting on, panicing as I had a meeting to get to. The driver let a couple on the bus and said "Yooou guys don't have to pay, yo're cool" with a big smile on his face. I didn't make my meeting.
  8. I'd be surprised to see mcuh support for this in the midst of the current economic climate
  9. STEVEN Gerrard has signed a deal in which an exclusive Dubai development will be named in his honour. The Liverpool captain agreed to a £150m residential block in one of Dubai’s most fashionable districts being named the “Steven Gerrard Tower†and has accepted a plush apartment in return, understood to be worth £1m.
  10. From The Times' very observing interview with Victoria Beckham: '"I'm quite spiritual. I'm very good at visualisation." 'Uh oh. This sounds ominously like Hollywood-speak. Or maybe Tom got to them after all. But it turns out that Victoria's visuals are not the babbling brooks or still mountains kind, but clothes. "I was talking to Gordon Ramsay and David about this the other day and they're the same. Gordon visualises a meal, then figures out how to prepare it. David visualises the goal. I'll lie in bed and think, what kind of look do I want to go for tomorrow? Then I find the pieces in my mind to create it. 'She pauses, thoughtfully. "Yeah, I really believe in creative visualisation."'
  11. it still kills me that Lagavulin was $54 just a few short years ago and now it's $100 Also i read recently that a scotch distributor is pulling out of Canada coz the asian market is more lucrative. Maybe DaveO sent me that linnk... actually here it is: http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=eec64570-e95d-437a-ac9c-d4abded08b78
  12. if i wasn't busy trying to stop my pants from smelling like beer i'd have a good retort at the ready, FbN
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