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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. of course there are differences but consider this: Iraqi war: cost so far to the US is more than half a trillion dollars. If Steve had been in place when all that went down we'd be there too. Perhaps the war isn't the sole factor for the current economic crisis but things would look a whole lot rosier if the american tax payers weren't on the hook to the tune of a couple of thousand dollars per second Add to that Steve's tendency to bend over for the Bushies and all of a sudden certain aspects of the two govts don't seem so different
  2. i think you've missed a point or two, Birdy. "While Detroit was rolling out one giant SUV after another, Japan was busy churning out gas-electric hybrids." Not to labour the point but if Japan had been manufacturing to meet this DEMAND you speak of, they'd be in the same boat as the Yanks, why are they not? answer: because their CEOs and upper management had the foresight to realise that this DEMAND was going to shift, and shift quickly
  3. Good article on the state of the English youth development program
  4. call me crazy but if i wuz retired i'd sleep in past 08:42 AM then again i suppose afternoon naps are a nice routine to get into too
  5. I saw a fireball soaring through the sky from Booche and Douglas's old apt. balcony a few years ago, it was fecking awesome, only lasted 2-3 seconds. It was about the size of a dime held at arms length
  6. ...to go and beg for taxpayers' money edit to add: this from the New York Observer
  7. But what about the scarves, Hubert? What about the scarves?!?
  8. Schwa wakes up next to a penguin one day and doesn't have a clue what to do with it. So he throws it in the car and drives to work, as he's already late. On the way in the gate, Hal the security officer sees the penguin and asks wtf? Schwa: "I have no idea where it came from or what to do with it." "Take it to the zoo" Hal suggests. So Schwa does a u-turn and takes it to the zoo. Schwa bumps into Hal again the next morning on his day off. "Why is that penguin on your shoulders carrying a balloon?" Hal says, pointing at the penguin still in Schwa's care. "I thought you took him to the zoo" "I did, but we had such a good time that I took him to circus this morning"
  9. intersting FK technique that dude puts thge offensive back into offensive wall
  10. So one day Schwa. calls up Hal, in a huff. "Hal hal, the craziest thing happened to me last night! I was abducted by aliens, taken to their space craft and anal probed" Hal, in a calming voice, "Schwa.! Relax dude, take a deep breath. You told me yesterday that you were looking for things to do for the night– are you sure about this, do you have any evidence that we can take to the police? " Schwa. tries to calm down a bit and takes stock "Well no, not exactly. It's not like I had a camera or anything" Hal "Well then I'm going to ask you a few questions to make sure you haven't completely lost your mind" Schwa "Alright" Hal "What's your full name?" Schwa duly obliges Hal "What's your favourite colour?" Schwa tells him red. Hal "What's the date today?" Schwa "November 1st" Hal "What bar did you go to?" Schwa "Well I was just walking by it last night and went in coz I thought the music sounded very danceable... I think it was called the Rainbow Manhole" Hal "I'll call the news station"
  11. I was watching a retro Blackburn Rovers game the other day, MOBE... remember Colin Hendry? Great player But yes the Argies should destroy Scotland but then again who really cares? lose-lose situation either way really I wonder who's going to come away injured from friendly int'l duty....
  12. Why does Schwa. like dating twenty nine year olds?
  13. Maybe these guys? [color:#cccccc]I hear there are ten of them
  14. Too many scientific terms, Poindexter! Can you put it in layman's terms?
  15. I think DSO would have been a more authentic experience. Other than fans pissing on her from on high of course.
  16. what does this experimental computer do so experimentally?
  17. Fact: Badams would be 300% more excited if Best Buy sold beer
  18. So Hal and Schwa are sick of working 9-5 every day and decide that they're going to get in on the porn making business. They take out an ad in the local paper asking for male erotic film actors to come out for auditions on the following saturday. Saturday rolls around and there is a lineup down the block at 7:30 in the morning. Hal takes one look at this and tells Schwa. "Damn, looks like it's going to be a long day. Now I wish we hadn't ordered those hot curries for dinner last night" Schwa replies, "You telling me, I'm going to need at least one more tube of K-Y"
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