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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Erdinger Weissbier from pub italia is my current fave a wheat beer with more flavour than most, and well rounded
  2. i'd say that it's not quite the equivalent of turning off your airbags or not bothering with a seatbelt. but yes it is a safety feature but not an absolutely necessary one, IMO Speedy's definately going to milk you if they see the opportunity, that much is true. Myrna drives a grand am i think, 'wish i knew a reputable mechanic in ktown- if you drive your car up this way any time soon my guy will treat you right though, myrna. he only works mon - thurs though and it sometimes takes him a couple of days to have a look at your car. i think my folks use svenson bros but i find them pricey
  3. my abs light is always on, i'm not concerned about it. myrna- you've driven in the winter long enough to know how to pump the brakes so they dont lock up- i suspect that you rarely go out when it's too icey anyway
  4. for all we know there's a huge following of some band in... i dunno... outer borneo that has a rampant following of fans who know the band's secret language and follow them around to every show the fact is that the elements that make up such phenomena are more or less available to anyone anywhere, it just tkaes the right conjunction of people, luck, timing, creativity and vision to make it happen i figure it'll eventually happen, why wouldn't it? there's a Murphy's law corrallory always at play
  5. ppfffttt, like heady would come anywhere near bluesfest- no vending, no nitrous, no nothing. 1 hour moe. set? not nearly heady enough for him
  6. Big Black Furry Creature from Mars
  7. yup, paul dolan was Canada's no.1 (ie. starting goalkeeper) before Forrest took over and the other guy will probably be calling a women's gymnastics event next, a steeplechase after that and then diving or something. A wet blanket for any sporting event fairly boring game i thought, hopefuly tonight's will be better
  8. i heard paris hilton got a manicure the other day and jessica simpson said it looked "like, gross"
  9. Green Papaya on Preston is v. mediocre, haven't heard a positive review yet I love Da Sergio on Preston for italian- best calamari i've ever had, although it wasn't as perfect last time i had it, early this summer Allegro on Preston is good too, as are most on preston except pub italia, ciccio's (v. hit and miss) and maybe one or two others shanghai is good for chinese, Yang Tze is good for dim sum, i'll second the Ben Ben call as well. booche loves Hong Kong for delivered chinois
  10. i wonder if Christine (Cosmic Chris C) might be able to offer some heady advice
  11. great game, lots of momentum shifts and moments of brilliance. packed packed house, the drums were going strong as i left
  12. well the beer in the rear chicken worked out splendidly, we used the rub from the crockpot chicken + some lovely creemore lager and it was perfection. of course the propane ran out after- we estimate- about 25 minutes, so it was a late dinner but i ate until i felt sick and it was wonderful
  13. i guess it was actually 9:45ish, hair splitter
  14. especially after kissing you
  15. i was walking home from Lansdowne park along the canal last night around 9:00, got to Dow's Lake and I could hear that dance party stuff— gobsmacked
  16. actually i do kinda recall the thread and it wasn't any of the ones mentioned so far, i think
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