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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. i've yet to try the pizza avec gravey- i think i'll hold off on calling out my faves until then Pubwell's is in the top three though, obviously
  2. she's an internet phenomenon
  3. is it alright if i huff some gas today?
  4. Slinging My Stones, "I may be broke but so is my voice" from their debut album "Prom Date Vomit Cocktail". Great little string of tunes: I may be broke but so is my voice Mum Said I Could Borrow the Car Skipping out on Skippin School (Someday I'll Pass) My Driver's Test Hey Buddy Can You Buy Me Some Booze? My Locker Stinks Wanna Trade Lunches?
  5. we had a carlos the other day that was awful, waaay too greasy this reminds me of a quote from OINY: Customer: How many slices in your medium pizza? Pizza guy: 8 Customer: How many slices in your large pizza? PG: 8 Customer: Can I talk to someone else?
  6. globe & mail: Mavis Becker was a little early to the psychedelic Sixties. In the mid-Fifties, at the tender age of 14, she started smoking pot. Within a decade, most of her friends were taking Timothy Leary's advice to turn on, tune in and toke up. Not much has changed since. Ms. Becker may be a little older and a little greyer, but she still enjoys a good joint on the balcony of her home in Burnaby, B.C. She sometimes even shares one with her 93-year-old father, who suffers from dementia and diabetes. "I find that if I share a joint with him he tends to relax and go to bed quietly," Ms. Becker said. As the baby-boom generation limps into old age, they're bringing hippie-era drug habits with them. "There's so many of us you wouldn't believe it," Ms. Becker said of seniors on drugs. "My friends are pretty much all like me." The population of Canadians aged 65 to 74 will nearly double from 4.3 million to eight million by 2026, according to Statistics Canada. Some 600,000 older Canadians reported abusing alcohol or drugs in a recent study by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, and that number is set to swell as a wave of oldsters weaned on Woodstock and tie-dye hits retirement age. The spectre of old-age homes filling with pot smokers and crack heads is daunting for the scant few organizations in the country devoted to treating addictions among seniors. "We're seeing a huge jump," said Marilyn White-Campbell, who works with addicted seniors through Ontario's Community Outreach Programs in Addictions. "It used to be just alcohol was a problem. Now we're seeing seniors using marijuana, heroin, crack cocaine, OxyContin. There's even quite a few on methadone maintenance. I'd only seen three of those in the previous 20 years." The bump in older drug users is mainly a function of demographics. The oldest baby boomer today would have been the impressionable age of 21 during the hash-infused Summer of Love. Nearly one in three baby boomers has smoked pot at some point in their lives, according to the CCSA survey. The infirmities and isolation of age also play a role. Some seniors start using recreational drugs as a way of coping with physical ailments or the anguish of losing loved ones. But the guiltless high that many seniors remember from their youth now has consequences. Even once they've kicked a drug habit, the effects can linger for up to a year. "The problem is their bodies are less able to handle the drug," said Charmaine Spencer, a researcher with the Gerontology Research Centre at Simon Fraser University. "So they are more likely to end up with a drug overdose, or in hospital, or end up dying." Even the most benign of street drugs can create problems with age. Seniors who've been smoking pot heavily for decades are appearing in homes and doctors' offices with a form of frontal-lobe dementia, COPA's Ms. White-Campbell said. For long-term cocaine users, those effects can strike in their 50s. Despite the rapid growth in elderly drug addiction, the problem has gone largely unrecognized. Across Canada, barely 10 organizations deal with issues of drug abuse among seniors, and all are based in major cities. "We have next to nothing on the prevention side available," Ms. Spencer said. "If they develop a problem, the resources in most communities currently are not there." Among younger people, harm reduction has become the prevailing method of drug-abuse treatment in many Canadian cities. That attitude, which focuses on safer using rather than kicking the habit, is slowly working into treatment of the elderly as well. But that approach can create a problem when seniors enter hospitals and old-age homes, where residents are not allowed to smoke cigarettes, much less spark a joint. Ms. Becker, the pot smoker, once worked in a nursing home and saw firsthand the staff's difficulties dealing with drug users. "I did have an old lady there who smoked pot but it was so frowned on," Ms. Becker said. "Her son used to take her on a little drive and when she came back she was much more relaxed and happy." Before baby boomers start inundating old-age homes, more has to be done to recognize and accommodate their drug habits, say those who work with senior users. "This has largely remained invisible in older adults," Ms. Spencer said. "Drug use is not limited to young people. Older people are deserving of help." Some older Canadians may be looking for a different kind of help. "I hope my grandchildren are willing to roll me a doobie," Ms. Becker said, "if my arthritis gets too bad."
  7. Burlington - Ithaca isn't that far off, baj (great anecdote Ten)
  8. The one game i watched on the CBC was really scrappy, loads of argy-bargy, which is fine by me Go TFC!
  9. happy belated mother's birthday day
  10. where the fook did you find that picture?
  11. Hello Fuse fans, We've got another taping for your aural & visual pleasure, and this time it's a case of North meets South. Apostle of Hustle is the brainchild of Andrew Whiteman, perhaps best known for his work with Broken Social Scene. But with his Apostle bandmates, Andrew conjures up dense rhythms inspired by visits to Cuba, all mixed with his indie rock sensibility. Tanya Tagaq was born and raised in Cambridge Bay, but it wasn't until she went to art school in Halifax that she discovered Inuit throat singing. Now she's in demand all over the world, by esteemed artists like Bjork and the Kronos Quartet, as she improvises gutteral vocals, sweet sighs, and breathy sounds. What will happen when Tanya's throat singing meets Andrew's Cuban-rock rhythms? As usual, we have no idea. But also as usual, we can promise that it will be pretty great. Tanya and Apostle will meet Thursday, May 17, at 7PM in our Ottawa broadcast centre. If you'd like to come, please do not reply to this email, but rather head on over to the "tickets" section of www.cbc.ca/fuse . Fill out the form, and if we have space left someone will contact you to confirm your reservation. Please, pretty please: do not request tickets unless you're fairly certain you can come. We do not maintain a waiting list for last-minute cancellations. â€â€------------------------------ In other news, we've got just 2 more tapings left to go, both to happen in June, before our season ends for the summer. We'll let you know about them soon. One of them is gonna be big. And unexpected. In fact, it's such a crazy combination we have no idea if it'll work or not. But we'll spill the beans on it soon. For summer, we've got a great lineup of old and not-so-old favourites. And we'll be back in late August with more new tapings. â€â€----------------------------- On-air schedule: May 12/13 - Creaking Tree String Quartet & Kevin Breit May 19/20 - Patrick Watson & Torngat May 26/27 - Apostle of Hustle & Tanya Tagaq June 2/3 - Mike Evin & Brothers Creeggan June 9/10 - Ellen McIlwaine & Lal Thanks, as always, for your support!
  12. i went through calian for a year or two, they were okay, nothing great they'll all take 20-40% of the money on offer, so i guess it's all about the number of interviews they get you. calian was pretty good in that regard
  13. #223 Your favorite secret track on an album that is not mentioned in the credits 1. Nirvana - Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Down The Strip (UK release of In Utero) 2. The Clash - Train In Vain (the original issue of London Calling; I think the new CD reissue lists the track) 3. Hayden - How to Make an Excellent Sandwich (from the first issue of Everything I Long For) 4. Nine Inch Nails - Suck (from Broken) 5. James Taylor - Hangnail (from "Hourglass") 6. Jimmy Swift Band - When Worlds Collide (on "Live: The Rebirth of Hooch") 7. Jamiroquai- Function (secret bonus track on first run Candian pressings only) 8.Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum (Dread the Passage of Jesus, For He Will Not Return) - Nick Cave and the Dirty Three 9. Seek Up outro & Thunderstorm - Remember 2 Things (DMB) 10. Beck - Analog Odyssey (from Mellow Gold) 11. Beatles — Never Could See Any Other Way (Sgt. Pepper's) 12.
  14. as long as you limit yourself to one ophile then i think the rest of us are safe dere booche
  15. PS- BBKing at the NAC this Sunday http://www.nac-cna.ca/en/whatson/results.cfm?EventID=5113
  16. so what do you do first? i don't see an "Add Topic" button anywheres
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