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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Thanks for the update AD. I have changed the subject line.
  2. Considering my camera was at his crotch level I bet an interesting edit can be made between the two. Good luck with your audio!
  3. Reminder: LA Galaxy vs. Vancouver playoff game tonight @ 10:30 PM EDT on TSN.
  4. Fair enough. Wish they'd given me a chance to respond before penalizing my account but whatever. So I just changed the audio, enjoy! (still processing though)
  5. Really? Is that because it's Zeppelin? I uploaded some videos from the uRockaoke night that YouTube recognized as copyrighted material but I just had to acknowledge it and the vids were allowed to stay. I'll check my account when I get home.
  6. Awesome show! Is it just me or is the band even tighter despite their semi-hiatus schedule? Either way nero was fucking smoking! So great to see everyone. Thanks to Schwa and c-towns for the tiny hotel room packed with too many people. Sorry if there was any hassle out of that. Best costume goes to the Staples brothers. Fantastic prop Stapes! I'm uploading some video to YouTube right now.
  7. I'm a real space cadet in this thread.
  8. So... first set is around 10 PM according to Fluffhead on the Facebook event page... can anyone confirm or deny?
  9. Does anyone know if it's sufficient to just bring the number on the receipt? I forgot to forward my tickets to work to print out and I don't have a printer at home and it's Friday and... yeah.
  10. No money but I'm cheering for the Tigers. I was pulling for them the last time they were in the final, and I'm still sore with the Giants for beating the Rangers last time they were there.
  11. One round closer to the inevitable. Sorry Tigers and Giants fans. Yes guy!
  12. Also this, for people with floor tickets that want the best possible view. Concerts sure are complicated these days.
  13. I pulled tickets but didn't buy them, just providing a public service announcement.
  14. Just checked and was able to pull 2 GA floor tickets for the Ottawa show. Must have released some extras today. No idea how many or how long they will last.
  15. Monday: Fuck the NHL! Thursday: Fuck the NHLPA!
  16. I have not heard of this. Thanks for the heads up!
  17. Was stoked to see that the Canada/Honduras game was still on when I got home from work. Then I saw the scoreline. Fuck off. Listening to Craig Forrest try to draw on the positives of the campaign is depressing as hell.
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