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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I have to hand it to Peyton and the Broncos. That was an amazing comeback. My favourite sequence was right before the 3rd Broncos TD. Peyton is flailing around making his audibles but even more so than usual. The play clock is about to hit zero so the centre lifts up his arm, basically telling Manning to get the fack behind him because he's about to launch the ball. Then the throw to the endzone. The timing of it all played out so beautifully.
  2. ollie

    unblock-us VPN

    Anyone know the legalities of this? I'm genuinely curious.
  3. An Erik Karlsson goal (1:15 in) to tide you over.
  4. One round closer to the inevitable. Sorry Tigers and Giants fans.
  5. I have witnessed an abnormal amount of said catches this year. Definitely starting to notice a pattern.
  6. ollie


    Available at the Richmond and Hampton Park LCBOs in Ottawa that I know of. Yes, this is a seriously good beer. Easily the best thing Amsterdam has ever brewed.
  7. Hi Hal! I barely qualify as a baseball fan, not having watched even 9 innings of the regular season I bet. But I am hooked come playoffs. Like the first round in hockey, it's great to have games on every day, sometimes all day. It's a crash refresher course for "fans" like me. I'm pulling for any team except the Cardinals and the Yankees. So that should pretty much guarantee that those teams will be in the final this year.
  8. Booche should have shivved him while he had the chance. 2 seasons with no Stanley Cup winner in the past 8 years? Fucking travesty. Fucking travesty.
  9. These fuckers called me (again) this week and I berated the poor chap for being an unethical louse. I'm glad the heat is on.
  10. WTF CTV... 49ers/Jets (Ottawa and Northern Ontario) Patriots/Bills (rest of Ontario) Why Ottawa?
  11. Ha, ha, I was just going to say how overpriced that store always was. RIP Sam.
  12. ollie


    Hawaiian Style Pale Ale by Spearhead Brewing is now available at the LCBO on Richmond Road, and I'm sure at other locations. See lcbo.com for details. WOW, do I ever love this beer! My favourite new beer in a long time. I hope this becomes a regular offering... for now I'm buying up all the stock I can find.
  13. http://9gag.com/gag/5355849
  14. It's this Saturday. Not a lot of talk about it here or anywhere else. I know it won't live up to Toronto or Montreal but you have to start somewhere. Anyone plan on going? http://www.nuitblancheottawa.ca/ (The web site is kind of brutal... you have to expand the width of your browser to see the whole page.)
  15. For anyone new to St. Vincent via the Byrne collaboration, I really recommend her last album, Strange Mercy. It was one of my favourites from last year. http://www.ilovestvincent.com/index.php/listen
  16. My friend Fred survived the attack that day but who knows if he really recovered. I found this article about him from the 5th anniversary: http://www.voicesofseptember11.org/dev/living_memorial/gardner_harvey/Gardner_Harvey_NeverLettingGo.pdf It was an amazing day in the worst way possible. Remember the fallen.
  17. This is such a douche move, if for no other reason than alcohol sales are usually cut off around 10 PM. Don't do that to your fans.
  18. Sorry for the edit on your post Fluff, hit the wrong button trying to split this topic. Carry on.
  19. Kinda like iOS, huh?
  20. ollie


    Yeah, I drank a bunch of Hops and Robbers this past week and feel the same way. It wasn't bad or anything, just couldn't get a good read on the flavour profile.
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