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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I helped create another new Skank meme. Awesome.
  2. I didn't mean to imply that one had to be a bus driver to complain about being a bus driver. I don't think I said that at all. My question was pointed towards people who think bus drivers have it so good in comparison to their own job situation. All I'm suggesting in that case is that there's nothing to stop the person from applying to be a bus driver. Now if being a bus driver *was* an exclusive club that wasn't open to the public then I would give that argument more weight. You're right about one thing though.
  3. Fair enough. Now can you please answer these questions: Then why haven't they applied for a job with OC Transpo? Why don't you apply to become a bus driver if they have it so good? Dinghy, in case it wasn't clear in my response to Gateaux, my janitor comment was a joke (in poor taste). I support you guys 100% and it drives me nuts that I'm listening to the radio and people still think wages is the main sticking point.
  4. It's not Nickelback? C'mon.
  5. Then why haven't they applied for a job with OC Transpo? Why don't you apply to become a bus driver if they have it so good?
  6. Yeah' date=' but I know people, family, that are struggling to keep their houses as it is, and this 5% hike will not help them.[/quote'] It will help the artists struggling to keep their houses though.
  7. Aren't you a starving student that doesn't pay taxes anyway?
  8. Damn. I was aiming for "so over the top".
  9. Geez matt, when'd you get so maudlin?
  10. 50 grand to be a glorified janitor????
  11. Heard on the radio this morning that Rangers fans were chanting "Sloppy Seconds" at Phaneuf last Sunday.
  12. Giggling like an idiot. That was awesome.
  13. Because CBC is cheap as fuck and apparently only have two HD trucks. One was doing the Leafs/Caps, the other the late game. So we got a load of up-converted shit. And I noticed it getting worse too. Bullshit.
  14. The bridge is totally affecting traffic. Like I just said, it was backed up to a crawl up all the way to St. Joseph and Montclair because so much bridge traffic was being off loaded to the McDonald Cartier bridge.
  15. I had to walk across the Alexandria bridge again today. Well, chose to versus sit on a bus that wasn't moving. Traffic was backed up all the way to the bus stop outside my work. 2 km from the closest bridge. I facking hate the Outaouis region right now!! FIX THE FUCKING BRIDGE ALREADY!!!
  16. No mention of the group hug and shenanigans after the game? I have to admit that was pretty fucking cool.
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