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Everything posted by ollie

  1. To quote Newrider, I dont know, I drink. Go Bruins!!
  2. Are you saying you became a Leafs fan because of Ottawa?
  3. I love me a good Canadiens ceremony. This one was ok, I liked the walk through the crowd and the greeting with Beliveau, but overall it didn't stack up. Shouldn't you be jerking it to Wendel Clark anyway?
  4. Kinda lame speeches by the coaches I thought. Demers went a little off the page with putting that on Koivu.
  5. I wonder if the thinking was, "If we dress like the Anaheim Ducks..." I like the colours and design but the logo is tough.
  6. Gay friendly neighbourhood?
  7. ollie

    Private Jets!

    I knew you'd come around to socialism.
  8. Says the guy who lives in the suburbs.
  9. So You Think You Can Dance.
  10. As soon as I saw Vermette I knew Ottawa deserved to lose.
  11. Foligno with the poke-check goal! [color:#CCCCCC]3-1
  12. Yeah, that wasn't "tape to tape" but fuck that was a brutal call.
  13. I searched YouTube for Van Allen and came back with this classic brawl (in 3 parts).
  14. Around this time 3 years ago
  15. I'm kick-starting this mother with Fin Du Monde.
  16. You're the one choosing to have selective memory you cack.
  17. Coming from the guy who didnt renew his flex pack because one of the reasons was: Nice try. I can spell better than that. Eat a dick Tissue Man.
  18. You must have missed the amalgamation.
  19. ..............aside from driving back for an hour.......... Beats driving back for two hours.
  20. That's bandwagon jumping, not dual bandwagon riding. Game is on Sportsnet HD.
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