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Everything posted by ollie

  1. "Oakoronto" Pick a fucking city!!
  2. You might have to turn on the "View Hidden Files" option to see the application folder.
  3. Wishful thinking won't get you anywhere.
  4. Why do you think we have so much time to post all day?
  5. That was some moustache on Ray Ferarro.
  6. Their sandwiches were actually pretty good at first but now they taste of cleaning product. Plus their coffee is brutal. And I get douche chills anytime someone says "Timmies".
  7. Didn't someone propose a "Buy Canadian" campaign for the government during the last election? Was it Duceppe? May? I thought it sounded like a good idea.
  8. ollie


    I love the continual search for beer sub-plot. Thank you Todd!
  9. This should have ended so much better.
  10. Thanks for showing us around Kingston Jaimoe, we had a great time! It was my first visit and I fell in love with the city. We'll be back! I thought the Dylan show was pretty hit and miss. Even knowing what Bob's all about these days I was still disappointed with his lack of "give of a shit". After three shows in recent years I feel quite comfortable putting him on my "don't ever need to see again" list.
  11. Yeah I saw that, which is why I was wondering what the start time on the ticket said. 7:30 I'm guessing?
  12. Hey Timmy, What was the advertised start time for those shows? Kingston tickets say 8pm.
  13. I found Barack Obama's recipe: http://www.suntimes.com/recipes/meat/1247737,FOO-News-aelect29r.recipe
  14. ollie

    Be Kind Rewind

    things are looking up! "Alcohol is the best thing since.. like... Cheese!"- Ol Hickster
  15. I'm thinking of making chili tomorrow night. Anyone have a recipe to share?
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