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Everything posted by ollie

  1. Please don't post the Watford/Spurs result. I'm taping it to watch when I get home and I just know I will stupidly click on this thread sometime in the after.
  2. Habz r00l! Senz suck! LOL!!!111111 [color:purple]Hilarious. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  3. Sorry to be harsh, it's just that I was enjoying the non-partisan nature of the thread to that point.
  4. I take that back. I'm warming to the new Guns'n'Roses disc since I picked up from HMV on Monday; it has two more songs than the leak and the mastering is much better. I think this All Music review captures my feelings best. And this Chuck Klosterman review (of the actual album) is pretty great reading.
  5. I think even Avery realized how embarrassing he was being about halfway through his little speech. At least that's how I read his body language and tone of voice.
  6. Arsenal out of the Carling Cup. Watford/Spurs Man Utd/Blackburn to join semi-finalists Burnley and Derby! :cool:
  7. If, like me, you're wondering what this thread is about, Ted Rogers died. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/12/02/rogers-obit.html
  8. Capitaltickets.ca still has floor tickets if anyone's looking. As of a minute ago anyway.
  9. I bookmark this page: http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showforum.php?fid/7/
  10. ollie

    "Economic Update"

    Is there any other end result? I have no idea why the Libs are taking this path. Would you (the general you) be ok with this if it was a coalition of right-wing parties attempting to overthrow an elected Liberal party?
  11. ollie

    "Economic Update"

    You're much too polite. I left it open to interpretation. I was just lazy really.
  12. ollie

    "Economic Update"

    That's what I meant by "bad precedent".
  13. Only Booche could take a topic like this and make it about himself.
  14. Call the ACC and they will give you the exact timeline. Sometimes they don't know until the day of the show though.
  15. ollie

    Neil Young Ottawa?

    Which bus goes to Scotiabank Place? (too lazy to look up myself' date=' looking for the easy answer)[/quote'] The #11.
  16. ollie

    "Economic Update"

    That's the word that keeps coming to my mind. Even if it's technically "not" I think this sets a bad, bad precedent. Y'all lost the election. Try better next time.
  17. Watching his online implosion is going to be hard to resist.
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