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Everything posted by ollie

  1. That was more of a general comment about the way these things work... the backlash effect.
  2. And the Avery love-in begins.
  3. Only now I found out the game was on in HD on CBC.
  4. The crisis is producing some quite iconic photography.
  5. Guigsy will like this. I work in Hull. My "arrives like clockwork" bus home was 30 minutes late. Then it stopped on the Hull side of the Alexandria bridge and told us he couldn't go any farther due to an accident on Wellington Street (in Ottawa). So I hoofed it home from there, my blood pressure rising by the minute. When I got downtown Rideau street was lined with mostly empty buses that were not moving at all. What a fucked day in the capital.
  6. ollie

    "Economic Update"

    Also, it's bizarro day.
  7. Let's switch pads until the bridge is repaired.
  8. ollie

    "Economic Update"

    Somebody pinch me.
  9. ollie

    "Economic Update"

    I'm sure that's not all she agreed to prorogue. :cool:
  10. Seeing that it was Sens vs. Thrashers in all likelihood he's a Leafs fan.
  11. The rule of thumb says to always show up early but the rule of thumb does not always apply. Let's let BradM sort it out.
  12. A "rule of thumb" does not apply to all situations. I said I haven't had any "major" problems. I don't consider the occasional late bus to be a major problem. It's not a perfect system but it has saved me many more times than it has failed me. You should check out http://community.livejournal.com/octranspo if you want an eye opener into the hassles of being a driver and keeping a bus on time.
  13. Rule of thumb is to always arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes before it's due to arrive. I've been using public transportation in this city almost my whole life and have never run into a major problem with the buses. Learn the system and make it work for you. My only real issue with OC Transpo is the people they let on the bus.
  14. It's no coincidence they are choosing a strike date that maximizes the inconvenience to the whole city, not to mention the upcoming World Jr. tournament which will attract global tourists. It's an obvious (and smart) move. I worked through a bus strike when I had to commute out to the Bells Corners area. We car pooled and it was way better than taking the bus anyway. Get organized now if you think you might be affected.
  15. Think of it this way, being stuck in traffic just means more time to listen to Howard Stern. I was only delayed by a couple of minutes going into Hull, which is easier in the morning anyway. But it's going to be a major headache for a lot of people until they fix that bridge.
  16. I hope they gave them both a free 3rd jersey.
  17. New Year's Eve is back! Wicked!
  18. Are you sure you didn't catch a contact buzz from one of your clients?
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